Standing Out

   We are all brought into this world with a clean slate and an open mind

   But as soon as we enter the world we are given an identity from a name to even what Religion we will follow

   We do not have an option to decide anything since we cannot talk

   So everything we see our family and siblings do becomes a part of our everyday life

   As a Sikh we are given the 5k’s and an identity, which makes us standout

   Growing up some children are forced to follow a religion and others are not depending upon their circumstances

   It all depends upon one’s parents, friends, family, and Sangat if one feels that power within Sikhi

   Many people decide to choose to go the other way since they do not look like others around them

   They feel a need to fit in so others can like them or maybe even feel popular

   But I feel like that is not the true way to go as a Sikh

   As Sikhs we need be leaders and not followers

   We need to standout with our long beards, turbans, and our Khakars given to us by our Gurus

   Why chose a route where you look like millions of other people around you?

   In school many kids have problems since they are always the outcast, but it is our job to standup for Sikhi and explain to others what we believe in

   Once we explain to others why we keep a beard or why we wear a turban, I am sure they will have a greater appreciation for you

   Sometimes we may get discouraged if someone calls us a few names or tries to touch our turban, but we should just use this as a battlefield where every time you get wounded you get back up even stronger!

   When Baba Deep Singh Ji fought with his head in his hand, “long flowing beard as white as snow and battle turban bluer than the river flow”-Inkquisitive

   No one could ever stop this man or his path since he was strong and was not scared of the way he stood out amongst a crowd

   Even James Harden isn’t scared to have a beard and millions of people worldwide love it chanting, “Fear the Beard!”

   If people can fear his beard and love it, this only shows how much stronger Sikhs are with their beards and turbans.

   As they always say why try to fit in when you were born to standout!

   Let’s embrace our identity given to us and try not to fit in with others!

   Because you will realize that people will like you for who you are and your personality, not the way you look!

   One can try to fit in as much as they want but in the end if you are original you will be one of a kind.


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