If you've been around children or grandchildren, chances are you've heard about SikhNet's Audio Stories. SikhNet has proudly offered Audio Stories on the website and in app form since 2008.

But this beloved app, developed in 2012, will no longer run with the upcoming Apple operating system!

This is important. The SikhNet Audio Stories app - a free service - sees 9,400-14,000 users a month for more than 19,000 sessions, and it is on the brink of going away.

Please help us make sure the SikhNet Audio Stories app doesn’t die.

Donate Now

We’ve spent over seven years creating stories, and families from around the world have told us how valuable it is for their children. Parents write us to tell us what a gift it is for putting kids to bed at night and entertaining them during car trips. We now have 108 full-length audio stories, all with pictures and vivid descriptions along with music and sound effects, and each one is told masterfully by engaging storytellers.

But now we need to update the app to the new iOS requirements so that we can keep it available for children and families. At the same time we plan to add a new Android version so the app will be available to everyone.

In order to do this, we need to raise $20,000 by July 15th.

Will you help us keep SikhNet Audio Stories alive and well by giving today?

Donate Now

Help spread the word. 

We've created a flyer for you to post up in your Gurdwara.

Post it up and send us a picture! 

Do You Have More Ideas?

Do you want to do more for the Children’s Audio Stories app? We would love your help. A local bake sale, lemonade stand or another event are some great ways to raise local awareness for SikhNet Audio Stories and help us reach our fundraising goal. Contact us and we’ll help!

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