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BlackHole (62K)

Black Holes & Death (A philosophic analogy)

Harmann Singh Sadana:  I've tried to converge science and religion through this topic by making a philosophical analogy between Black holes and Death !!


0:10 Today I'm going to share my perspective on the phenomenon that exists in the universe, the phenomenon called the black hole.
0:21 And another inevitable reality of life i.e. death.
0:24 And today I'm shooting this philosophical video because some people have been complaining that I've been too political with the videos on my channel.
0:33 So I'll try and converge religion and science in this video.
0:40 Something I've also tried to do before.
0:44 We know that the phenomenon called the black hole exists in the universe and what exactly in a black hole ??
0:52 It is the end of the life cycle of a star. We've already studied in our high school.
1:00 That a star/ sun, first of all swells and becomes a giant red star/ sun.
1:10 And the outer part of it explodes in a Supernova explosion and the inner part of it implodes and becomes a white dwarf star.
1:19 Wherein the gravitational field is so strong that it further implodes into a black hole and then it starts attracting the other heavenly bodies around it.
1:30 On the other hand death is the end of life of a human being or other beings that exist in the universe. Even plants have to face death.
1:41 No. 2 Black holes have very powerful, almost inescapable gravitational fields.
In fact, they're so strong that they can attract heavenly bodies much bigger than themselves.
1:58 Once those heavenly bodies enter the gravitational field of a black hole, they are lost forever. That is what scientists assume.
2:07 No matter how big a heavenly body is, it is never seen again. It could be a planet, could be a star or space debris.
2:21 On the other hand Death, we know, is an inevitable reality of life.
2:26 No matter how big a person is, how rich, how powerful, he/ she cannot escape death no matter how much they shine in a lifetime.
2:43 Now there is some ambiguity about the theorization of the scientists about black holes.
2:50 Like there is an enigma that whether the black holes are the actual destroyers of the heavenly bodies ??
2:56 Or they are the portals that connect one universe to another ??
3:03 I mean scientists have been unable to prove that do the heavenly bodies that enter the black hole actually die or do they enter some other dimension ??
3:13 It means that there are multiple universes that exist and the exact term for it is multi-verses.
3:19 Are the multi-verse connected by these black holes ??
3:28 Surprisingly death creates a similar sort of an enigma.
3:37 Is death actually the destroyer of a being or it is just a temporary experience that makes a being enter a new life ?? This is where death and black hole create a similar enigma.
3:56 I think religion and science can actually come together to solve this enigma.
4:02 Thank you so much for watching. WJKK WJKF !!

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