UNITED SIKHS Celebrates 8 Year Affiliation with UN on 67th UN Day

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New York, USA
- UNITED SIKHS joins the world to celebrate UN Day today, October 24, and looks forward to our continued eight year association with it through its programs for the rights for minorities and the underprivileged. UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1948. This document officiated the United Nations - an international body made up of 193 states that takes action on transnational issues such as climate change, security, and human rights.

In 2007, UNITED SIKHS became a UN-affiliated, Department of Public Information non-governmental organization, and is honored to retain this title today. Requirements of maintaining this designation include taking on the responsibility of raising awareness of issues on the UN agenda in local communities, and actively promoting issues of international concern. Through our work as an advocacy, community empowerment, and humanitarian aid organization, we strive to carry out the UN's mission of viewing residents of all nations as equal citizens of the world.

Some of UNITED SIKHS' collaborations with the UN include:

Additionally, every major relief project UNITED SIKH initiates works with a UN cluster. Click here to read more about our involvement with the UN.

On July 11th, UNITED SIKHS' Rishiwant Singh spoke at the United Nations on humanitarian service according to the Sikh perspective, becoming the first Sikh to address the body.

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As this year comes to an end, UNITED SIKHS continues to strengthen its bond with the United Nations. Other UN events attended this year include the following:

Religions for Peace Seminar - The Intersection between Women's Rights and International Religious Freedom.
Amplifying Global Women's Voices and Catalyzing Change

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On September 17, UNITED SIKHS attended this seminar at the UN Plaza to help raise awareness of women's organizations that empower women on the ground.

For faith-based organizations, gender issues are a primary concern. Women's rights are often linked to religion, and women's freedom is occasionally restricted due to cultural norms. In attending this event, we strived to emphasize challenges in the struggle for women's rights that are unique to minority communities. It is crucial that nations around the world recognize that changes that come from policy makers outside of a community do not always adapt or bond with local cultures and minority faiths.

UNITED SIKHS aims to find new ways to advocate for women's civil rights, particularly in communities where restrictions against women are dominated by local cultures.

Global Peace Leadership with Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HCWPL)
Women, Youth, and Interfaith Dialogue

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The following week, UNITED SIKHS represented the Sikh community at the UN headquarters during this dialogue, where gender and interfaith issues shared the spotlight.

Panelists included:

  • Man Hee Lee, HCWPL Chairman
  • Namhee Kim, Chairman of the International Women's Peace Group (IWPG)
  • Arvind Vora, Interfaith Representative
  • Kamal Hossain, Former Foreign Minister of Bangladesh
  • Princess Maria, Advisory Council

Our presence at the event raised awareness of the plight of Sikh civil rights activist Bapu Surat Singh, and gained support from other UN organizations in opening dialogue with the Indian government about Sikh political prisoners and the inhumane treatment of Bapu Surat Singh at the hands of the government, such as being forced to undergo medical treatment. Bapu Surat Singh has been on a hunger strike since January 16, 2015 in protest of the racial and religion-based discrimination of Sikh political prisoners in India who have served over 20 years and are denied parole and early release from prison.

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF): Syrian Refugee Crisis

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In a session held this month at UNICEF, the Syrian refugee crisis was the primary point of discussion. UNITED SIKHS attended the event to determine how to aid in providing relief and supplies to refugees. Currently, 30 million children are on the run or displaced. UNICEF has identified the following as the most urgently needed aid:

  • Immunizations
  • Winter - humanitarian intervention - clothing for children, heating in schools
  • Water and sanitation services
  • Child protection
  • Education

UNITED SIKHS also plans to apply the strategies discussed for the situation in Syria to collaborate and create programs targeted towards Afghan Sikhs in need in Afghanistan.

This year, we saw volunteers from all over the world join hands in the effort to provide aid to Nepal and Myanmar, making a difference in the lives of over 10,000 individuals effected by devastating natural disasters. In the United States, we saw Iknoor Singh courageously stand up for his right to maintain his articles of faith while undergoing Reserved Officers Training Corps training, in pursuit of his dream to serve in the U.S. Army. We took on his case, and together we saw him emerge victorious. As we celebrate the 67th United Nations Day, UNITED SIKHS vows to continue to utilize this partnership with the UN to work for those in need of humanitarian aid or civil rights advocacy, regardless of their national affiliations.

If you would like to help raise our voice in the United Nations, please email [email protected]

Keep up to date on this issue and other UNTIED SIKHS initiatives by following our social media accounts: Facebook | Twitter | Blog

Issued By-

Amrita Kaur, Esq.
Chief Operations Officer, UNITED SIKHS
E:[email protected] | [email protected]

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