Summer has been an active time for the team at the Surat Initiative. Our interns and sevadars have been working hard to bring you several exciting projects over the summer. Check out some of these projects below!
Art Contest and Auction
The Surat Initiative is accepting artwork to be featured in an Art Auction at the Emerging Leaders Conference.
The Art Auction gives artists a forum in which to share their work and inspire the upcoming generation of our community's leaders. Artwork can be in the form of photographs, paintings, poems, and any other creative form of expression, and should connect in some way to Sikhi or Punjab. Find out more details here!
Health Lecture Series
This summer, Surat is launching a health lecture series for individuals in the medical profession or those who are training to become medical professionals.
Our first workshop is entitled "How to Get into Medical and Dental School" and will take place on Saturday, July 13th at Cornell Medical College in New York City. Admission is limited, so sign up now!
Turban Day Package Release!
The Turban Day Package is a resource created for students to put together a Turban Day for their university.
The package comes complete with resources for spreading awareness on Sikhi, a guide and checklist for putting the event together, and a grant from Surat for running a Turban Day. Download and view the Turban Day Package!
Our educational projects for panthic progress are made possibly by supporters like you. Invest in our community's future and donate to the Surat Initiative through the Dasvandh Network. Ensure a strong foundation for our community by joining Surat's programs. We look forward to another exciting month ahead!
Thank you for your support!
The Surat Initiative Team