In the home of a Khalsa Family I take birth and following in the steps of Mata Bhag Kaur Ji (Mai Bhago) I learn to become the strength of the Khalsa.  In this day and age there is no lack of animosity between siblings over the materialistic things but that was not always the case. Mata Bhag Kaur Ji reminds us to rise above materialistic things and became a person that history will forever cherish. She is the only women in Sikh history that had the honor to be the Bodyguard of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, all because she was a great Sister and took her brothers back to fight. Let us follow in the steps of Mata Bhag Kaur Ji by believing in our brothers, by doing the right thing and never leaving the side of Guru Ji.

Being born into a family of Sikhs (her family had become Sikhs during the time of Guru Arjan Dev Ji) Mata Bhag Kaur Ji could have gone into battle at any point stating that as Sikh it was her right to fight for Guru Ji. She wouldn’t have been wrong in doing so but then she would not have lived up to her role as a sister. Mata Ji stayed back, took care of the family and let her brothers (brothers in this context stand for all Singhs) go to battle. That’s what being a sister all about; believing in your brother. You can’t just go and start fighting for the right to do this and that and accusing people of not treating both genders equally. You have to be strength of your brother and support him to do the right thing, not do it for him. That is exactly what Mata Ji taught us through her actions.

Mata Ji stayed home but only while she knew her brothers were out there with Guru Ji. The moment they returned home, she sprang into action. Mata Ji immediately made her brothers realize the mistake they made by abandoning Guru Ji and took them back to Guru Ji herself. She didn’t head of with the women to go fight; she helped her brothers understand where they went wrong and helped them overcome it. That is what being a sister is all about; it’s about thinking of others not just yourself. In this selfish world we must become like Mata Ji and think for more than just ourselves. Like Mata Ji we must lead our brothers back to Waheguru so they can do the right thing. Like the 40 martyrs they also can earn back the love of Guru Ji and find place in the feet of Waheguru. In this fashion not only will the brothers win the love of Guru Ji but also the sisters, just like Mata Ji.

By doing the right thing Mata Ji found place for herself close to Guru Gobind Singh Ji, she received the honor of being the only woman body guard of Guru Ji. She proved through her actions that you don’t always have to be at the front lines immediately, as long as you do the right thing at the right time. Sikhi is all about mediating on Waheguru and helping others mediate on him too. As sisters, we have to do whatever it takes to be closer to Waheguru and bring our brothers closer too. Once you have found yourself close to Guru Ji, never leave his side. Mata Ji served Guru Gobind Singh Ji till he left to join Waheguru Ji, after which she spent her life mediating on Gurbani. She never left the side of Guru Ji and she teaches us to do the same; never to leave him, once we find him.

Mata Bhag Kaur Ji was the best sister any brother could ask for because she not only came closer to Waheguru but she helped her brothers too. A sister is one that doesn’t fight for her rights but in subtle ways earns it. Mata Ji teaches us that just have faith, do the right thing and believe in Waheguru; you will never have to fight for your rights, you’ll just get them. So sisters, let us stop bickering over our rights with our brothers and follow in the steps of Mata Bhag Kaur Ji.

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