EcoSikh (91K)

January 31, 2011 - Sikhs across the world are urged to celebrate March 14th as Sikh Environment Day. This day marks the New Year in the Sikh calendar and the Gurgaddi Diwas of Sri Guru Har Rai Ji, who is remembered in Sikh history for his deep sensitivity to nature and its preservation. A number of historical writings narrate Guru Har Rai's affection for all forms of life as well as the animal sanctuary and medicinal garden that he kept at Kiratpur Sahib.

GuruHarRaiJi (114K)To honor the Sikh Gurus' concern for the environment, hundreds of Gurdwaras across the world will hold divaans focused on the environment and invite their sangats to participate in ceremonial tree plantings.Gurdwaras are also coming up with creative ways to celebrate the day, through children's speeches on the environment, youth environmental art displays, nagar kirtans with environmental themes, recycling drives, and by reducing energy and water use.

Khalsa Schools will also have the opportunity to engage students in a Sikh environmental education session created by the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI). SikhRI will develop lesson plans, conduct a special children's webinar for global Sikh audiences to encourage them to explore in a thoughtful and critical way, the concern for the environment envisioned by our Sikh Gurus.

By participating in the March celebrations, Gurdwaras and other Sikh institutions in the diaspora will be expressing their support to over one hundred Gurdwaras in Punjab that will use the day to raise awareness about the state of ecology across their spiritual homeland, and restore people's relationship to the air, land, and water systems through careful reflection on the words of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

In Punjab, the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee has agreed to send messages to all Gurdwaras to celebrate the day. Celebrations will also take place at Anandpur Sahib and hundreds of schools throughout Punjab with the help of Baru Sahib and other educational institutions.

Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal will be supporting the day in Sultanpur Lodhi, Kapurthala, where he is regarded for his extensive work on the restoration of one hundred and sixty kilometers of the Kali Bein and installing low-cost water treatment systems in villages. Baba Sewa Singh will also celebrate the day at Khadur Sahib in Amritsar District where sewadars have increased forest cover across over 250 kilometers of urban and rural land.Currently outreach is underway to the Sikh community in Africa, South America, and the Middle East to build worldwide participation in the important day along with notable figures such as Rabbi Shergill advisor to EcoSikh.

The day is being planned by EcoSikh, an organization that was created as the Sikh community's contribution to the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) and the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Plans for Generational Change project. The project works with the major world religions on long-term plans to improve their relationship with the environment. EcoSikh works to connect Sikh values, beliefs, and institutions to the most pressing environmental issues facing the world.

Gurdwaras that participate will also receive a compilation of selected shabads on the environment along with a guide on suggested activities so that they can participate fully and actively in the March 14th celebrations. Gurdwaras, schools and other institutions are encouraged to register as early as possible through an online form on the EcoSikh website.



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