Did you ever wonder how bhangra competitions turned a Punjabi folkdance into an international craze?  Or how awesome it would be to record your grandma’s partition story?  Waxing philosophic about the Green Revolution lately?  Don’t fret, you’re not the only one!  On February 18th and 19th Sikh scholars from around the world will meet up in the Bay Area to theorize about all this too.  (Except instead of making stuff up like me, they’ll actually use evidence based research to prove their points.)

The 3rd Annual Sikholars conference is gearing up and as usual, it promises to be riveting.  This year’s presenters will engage attendees in some of the most cutting edge issues from the Sikh community. Dharmik questions, wedding woes and Punjabi masculinity are just some of the topics academics will analyze.

As an annual attendee of the conference, I always walk away from Sikholars feeling well-informed.  I also have tons of topics to break the ice with at awkward dinner dates.  If you want to attend the conference, you have two choices. Your first option is t0 chill at the conference all weekend.  This means you can go to dinner with presenters, mingle with event organizers (shout out to the Jakara Movement) and sip hot chocolate with attendees.  I recommend this because you’ll meet some fabulous folks. Your other option is to register for the conference only.

Regardless of which you pick, you will be among many interesting minds.  What could be better?  So, do your brain a favor — register for Sikholars today and get your thinking cap on!

Sikholars will be on February 18th and 19th at CSU East Bay in Hayward, CA.

For more information, please visit: http://www.sikholars.org/

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