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Will you contribute to SikhNet today? 

March 22 - April 7, 2019 

We Need Your Help...

We are working on our schedule, but can use help. Here are areas that help is needed.

We will be holding workshop events, participate in Gurdwara programs and kirtan events, raising funds for SikhNet, and holding networking events to share SikhNet's work and our free services.

  • Publicity and Media Opportunities to Promote SikhNet - Do you have network of people that you can spread the word to about our events? Do you know people in TV, Radio, Print, Online that might like to have SikhNet on a programme or do an interview?
  • Meet and Greet Events at Your Home - Tea/snacks, discussion, networking, presentation about SikhNet's work, and raise funds for SikhNet. An important requirement is that the host is able to invite enough people as well as host the event. 
  • Fundraiser Dinners at Your Home - Organize a SikhNet Meet and Greet or Dinner at your home and invite people you know in the community who are interested in SikhNet, and who might support SikhNet.  Goal: Networking, presentation about SikhNet's work, and raise funds for SikhNet.
  • SikhNet Workshops or Classes - Are you or someone you know able to help organize a SikhNet workshop venue where there can be good attendance? This would be a workshop/class with the SikhNet team, Guruka Singh, Gurumustuk Singh and Gurujot Singh and we would setup the SikhNet table to accept donations and promote SikhNet.
  • Gurdwaras - Do you have good connections with some of the major UK Gurdwaras and can help arrange time for the SikhNet team to address the Sangat for 15-30min?  We are also interested in meeting the Gurdwara committees and setting up a table to promote SikhNet and accept donations. 
  • Fundraising - Help with any ideas or opportunities for bringing more support to SikhNet so we can continue these free services will be really helpful. This could be as simple as arranging meeting with someone who might be interested in supporting SikhNet and an opportunity to get to know the team.

If you (or someone you know) is interested and available to help us with any of the above items, please contact Darshan Kaur right away  (You can just reply to this email)

We're looking forward to seeing you very soon! 

Darshan Kaur

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