"ISIL is weak. I know it doesn't look like that right now but it's the truth, and they don't want you to know it, which is why it's something we should talk about."

So begins a very intelligent and needed message sparked by the recent attacks in Paris by Australian newsman Waleed Aly. "They want you to fear them, they want you to get angry. They want all of us to become hostile, and here is why..." 

Click below for this must see video where he discusses how to not play into the psychological trap of the infamous terrorist group. 

He explains that the agenda of ISIL is to split the world in to two camps, in their own words "There is no grayzone in this crusade against the Islamic State... the world has to split into two encampment, one for the people of faith, the other for the people of Kufr [non-believers], all in preparation for the final Malhamah [Great War]"

He goes on to say,

"They want countries like ours to reject their Muslims and vilify them." 

"ISIL's leaders would be ecstatic to hear that since the atrocity in Paris Muslims have reportedly been threatened and attacked in England, American and here in Australia." He goes on to say that if Muslims become the enemies of such western countries they won't have anywhere to turn but to ISIL. In essence the plan is to get westerners to hate Muslims so much that it forces more radicalism, "That was exactly the strategy in Iraq and now they want it to go global. Saying that out loud it's both dumbfounding in it's stupidity and blood-curdling in it's barbarity.

We're all feeling a million raging emotions right now, I am angry at these terrorists. I am sickened by the violence and I'm crushed for the families that have been left behind... but you know what? I won't be manipulated.

We all need to come together. I know how that sounds, I know it's a cliche, but it's also true, because it's exactly what ISIL doesn't want..."

There is something decidedly Sikhi about this message. It is Nirbao, Nirvair. Remaining free from emotional reactions is the only way to truly make a change in the world.  




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