SURREY – A food drive organised by Sikh Seva Foundation with the support of local Sikh Community and Sikh Organisations for the Month of April donated over 10,000 food items weighing 8126 Pounds to BC Food Banks on Monday May 7.

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“We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the community for their generous donations, the response was overwhelming. The community united to donate over 8100 pounds of food. We wantto thank everyone for taking part in 1st Annual Seva Community Food Drive, organized by the Sikh Seva Foundation in association with Food Banks BC. Your selfless service to the community is appreciated,” the organization said in a press release.

The month long food drive was held in April and food items were dropped off at Sikh Gurdwaras and schools in the Lower Mainland.

“We feel so honoured to see the community taking part in such a fundamental project. Food is energy, food is love and food gives hope to those who face challenges in providing nourishment to their families, seniors and others who cannot afford the basics. It is great to see the community stepping up their efforts this year to meet these challenges, to help others and to show how much they care about one another,” said one organizer.

“I feel this is so important. Every day I see people in need and I want to help. This is something I can do,” explains a youth volunteer. “Collecting food for others is just my small way of supporting the community. Everyone should help if they are able to. Whatever you donate, will be helpful.”

The Sikh Seva Foundation is a community driven initiative focusing on volunteering today to help give hope for tomorrow. Their goal is not to have any one person lead or direct; it is to have the entire community work to improve conditions for everyone. The purpose of Sikh Seva Foundation is to be a volunteer bank resource for a wide range of charities throughout the Lower Mainland.

The Foundation’s activities are inspired by the principles of Sikhism, including:

• Equality and fraternity of all human beings
• Selfless service to others, especially any one who is impoverished, disadvantaged or vulnerable
• Diligent and honest work
• Sharing with the community the fruits of one’s labour
• Increasing understanding and acceptance among all human beings

For more information email at [email protected] or visit their website


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