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October 20, 2014:
This is the day we’ve been looking forward to for the past several months. For the second year in a row, Gurubachan and the local Kundalini community have been invited to teach in the Hall of Honor in the National Congress of Chile. The congress is located in Valparaiso, a port town about 2 hours from Santiago.

IMG_1417-300x225 (34K)The significance of this event is truly spectacular. It is a public acknowledgement of the incredible service the Chilean Kundalini community does for the country, and it represents an institutional acceptance of the impact that these meditation techniques have at the highest level.

In honor of Yogi Bhajan, the event was held on October 6th, 2014, exactly 10 years after Yogi Bhajan left his physical body.

Preparations for the event began the night before. Members of the local kundalini community worked tirelessly to ensure that everything would be ready – hundreds of chairs were arranged, the stage was built and the sheets hand-sewn onto it, fresh flowers were brought in – all the countless details were attended to. Several hours before the class, we booted up the sound system and let the room marinate in the vibration of the naad (sound current). Meanwhile, Gurubachan and I raced around the city from radio interview to radio interview (4 in total) to spread the word about the event.

1454899_10152299080012100_2642324023808754379_n-200x300 (12K)Back at the Hall of Honor, people began to arrive – government officials, local spiritual teachers, students, members of the general public, and all their friends and families. As the seats began to fill, the energy began to build. By the time we arrived, the force in the room was palpable.

We were escorted in through the back entrance, and after a few minutes of meeting and greeting, the class began.

Seven hundred and eighty scattered minds came together in a single-pointed focus. Like the undulation of ocean waves, we began to wash away the insecurities, fears, and doubts of the mind. Despite the relative difficulty of the four meditations, the group kept up. And after completing the final meditation, we just sat silently for some time and enjoyed the sweetness and tranquility of the space we had just created.

Truly a spectacular and historic experience. I can’t wait to come back next year!

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About Kundalini Mobile

iphone-screenshot-mockup-172x300 (22K)Kundalini Mobile is an application for iOS and Android and is the complete tool to practice and teach Kundalini Yoga. It simplifies your practice – you no longer need to carry around bulky yoga manuals and timers. Kundalini Mobile has everything you need built-in, including:

  • 160+ Kriyas and Meditations
  • Instructions and images for each Kriya
  • A preset and adjustable timer
  • Coming soon: Streaming Kundalini Music Library

For more information about Kundalini Mobile, please visit

For more information about the Lord of Miracles Tour in Honor of Guru Ram Das or other Breathe events, please visit



Last year the Chilean Congress produced the following video about the first time event:


Related articles: 

Meditation at the National Congress of Chile


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