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Sikh Forum held Lecture Meeting in Delhi on June 01, 2013
New Delhi, India (June 04, 2013): Commemorating the 29th anniversary of armed attack by Indian state on Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar and other Gurdwara Sahib in Punjab & adjoining states, the Sikh Forum held a “Lecture Meeting” at India International Centre, Delhi on June 01, 2013.

As per information the Lecture meeting was held in remembrance of the 29th anniversary of ‘Operation Blue Star’ to pay homage to martyrs.

While addressing the gathering Maj. Gen. M.S. Chadha, President of the Sikh Forum, said that the forum had been holding this meeting annually for last 29 years to commemorate the anniversary of ‘operation blue star’. He said that there had been ‘mistakes’ on the part of Sikhs as well as the Government and the purpose of the meetings held by the Sikh Forum was to remind those mistakes, so that they could be avoided in future.

Col. Nirmal Singh said that the trauma of ‘operation blue star’ was felt more strongly by the Sikhs who were away from the Punjab. In diaspora the trauma was felt even more strongly, he added. While discussing certain aspect about ‘memory’, he said that Sikhs have not yet constructed any ‘collective memory’ about operation blue star.

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Advocate HS Phoolka
Senior Sikh lawyer, Advocate H. S. Phoolka said that for past 29 years, we have witnessed government propaganda against the Sikhs in the month of June; while on the other hand Sikhs had been accusing government for committing atrocities on the Sikhs. This phenomena still remains prevalent. He said that there were some people who attempted to take out the middle path (but no heed was paid to their arguments).

While referring to “Oppression in Punjab”, a report on June 1984, he acknowledged the efforts of Justice Tarkundey and others for bringing the facts in to light. He said that the report had mentioned that when some of the victims of the armed attack on Darbar Sahib were brought to hospital; as per a Doctor’s statement their had were tied behind their backs.

While terming the humanity as the ‘highest religion’, Advocate Phoolka called upon Sikh Forum to take initiative to establish strong interfaith organization. He suggested that representatives of various faiths must be invites to lay foundation of November 1984 memorial that is going to be established in Delhi by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC). He insisted that Sikhs must not look at the events of 1984 as “a Sikh issue” and Sikhs must adopt “humanitarian” approach.

Former Rajya Sabha MP Tirlochan Singh said that the Sikh Forum must stop using the term “operation blue star”. He said that this name was given by the government and it’s unfortunate that we have adopted the terminology set by the government. He said that we should use the term – “June 1984 attack on Darbar Sahib”.

While referring to Human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra’s case he said that the Supreme Court of India and National Human Rights Commission of India has identified some innocent persons who were killed and illegally cremated by the Punjab police as “unidentified” dead bodies and some compensation was also granted to the family members of the victims; but no effort, what so ever, was made to identify the culprits who killed and cremated the victims. He said that a list of police officers who killed the Sikhs during 1980s-90s and received cash rewards and promotion, must be made, so that the people could know that who were the persons who committed atrocities on the Sikhs.

Sikh scholar and author S. Ajmer Singh said the attack on Sri Darbar Sahib was a trauma for the Sikhs. Rather, he added, it was a chosen trauma because every Sikh feels personal attachment with the Darbar Sahib. This attack changed the meanings of reality for the Sikhs.

He discussed various aspects of attack on Sri Darbar Sahib in contemporary and current context in detail.

Watch Full Video of Speech of S. Ajmer Singh:

After 29 Years of June 1984 - S. Ajmer Singh at Lecture Meeting by Sikh Forum


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