Sikh Feminists To Mark Historic Toronto Meet By Seeking Equality

Screen-shot (52K)Monday, October 3rd, 2011, TORONTO = Sikh women are gathering in Toronto this weekend to hold the first ever Sikh Feminist Conference.

Sikh Feminist Research Institute’s executive director Tarnjit Kaur Johal said her group – SAFAR – are seeking an equal status for Sikh women, which has been missing.

When facing the present day reality, in both the Diaspora (in Canada, US, the UK, etc) and in Punjab, Sikh women, especially of Punjabi origin, continue to be treated as less than equal, she said. As data from StatsCan shows, sex ratios in areas of high Punjabi-Sikh Canadian populations are skewed.

At Safar we want to reconnect with a feminism that pre-dates the western ideas of feminism. By connecting to our own historical narratives women can be empowered and face their daily realities from a position of power.

“Let me give you one example,” she said. ”One of the speakers at the conference, Deep Singh (from UCLA), is going to present a paper about a rarely discussed Sikh text, Param Marg Granth (also Prem Sumarg Granth). In this text, written in the early 1700s, women are given equal inheritance rights, widows are allowed to remarry, women are referred to as ‘Khalsa Ji’, just as GurSikh men… in every aspect of their existence women are considered equal to men. This contrasts so much with life in the 21st century!”

The group is expecting 31 presenters from the US, Canada and the UK, many from Ivy League universities, scholars who are leaders in their fields and community activists. Safar has attracted wide community interest, with the range of participants likely to embrace every facet of society today.

The event, titled Safar (or Our Journeys), was held Saturday, Oct 1, 8am-6.30pm, at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies In Education (at 252 Bloor St W; for details visit


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