Sikh children honored for heroic act during Oak Creek, WI shooting

abhay-and-amanat-singh (15K)
Abhay and Amanat Singh honored for role in Oak Creek Sikh temple massacre (source: TMJ)

Two children who were present during August’s shooting attack on the Oak Creek, Wisconsin, Gurdwara were honored yesterday by the Yell and Tell Foundation for their efforts in alerting people in the Gurdwara:

Abhay Singh and his sister Amanat did the right thing when gunman Wade Page showed up at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek and started shooting.

The kids ran inside to tell adults about the dangerous situation.

Their father, Benny Singh, thought divine intervention played a role in the actions of his children:

“we never talked to them about this kind of situation but I think God gave them wisdom.”

Read the full story and see video by TMJ here


YellnTell (53K) About the Yell and Tell Foundation

The Davidson Yell and Tell Foundation, Inc. is a 501c(3)* charitable foundation set up to teach young children what to do when they observe a dangerous situation. Many times this child will run away or be quiet because he/she doesn’t want to get into trouble or be called a tattletale. Sometimes the child is so afraid, he/she is too scared to do anything. The Yell and Tell program teaches children how to take action and be a hero. Some of the most dangerous situations that this program will cover are: POOLS....RIVERS/LAKES....FIRE....POISON....GUNS....CHILD ENTICEMENT.



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