KES SAMBHAL PRACHAR SANSTHA held a function to celebrate the 350th Birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh on 12th March, 2017 from 2 PM to 5 PM at Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, New Delhi.

KES SAMBHAL PRACHAR SANSTHA started as a trust in 1997 at Amritsar, is a non-political, non-government organization. The main object of the Sanstha is to propagate spiritual way of life among the people. This way of life believes in the Fatherhood of God and Universal Brotherhood of mankind. Such a way of life consisting of noble deeds and actions has always been a characteristic feature of the Indian culture. It considers the human life as an opportunity for making an effort for the elevation of soul as to enable it to be united with the eternal soul from which it has been separated. Such an endeavour creates a situation where a healthy mind in a healthy body is attuned to its Creator.

The two important aspects of this celebration are

  • Honoring Sh. Nitish Kumar Ji, Hon. Chief Minister of Bihar, as 'Guru Pyara'
  • Releasing a unique directory of 500 Sikh Role Models of the world from different walks of life.

The honor being conferred upon Sh. Nitish Kumar Ji as 'Guru Pyara' is a token of respect which he has earned by organizing the celebration of the 350th Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Takht Sri Patna Sahib, the birth place of the Guru.

It was under his guidance, dedication and passionate interest that this celebration at Patna Sahib became one of the most memorable religious events worldwide. The hospitality of his team for the devotees of India and overseas was perfect and outstanding in every respect, from transport to security and accommodation. The warmth and the devotion shown by everyone under his stewardship won the hearts of all the Sikhs of the world and elicited high appreciation and applause from all people.

This title of 'Guru Pyara' will be a symbol of long lasting association of love between him and the Sikhs. This honor will be given to him in the presence of prominent Sikhs of India and overseas representing leading organizations including SGPC, DSGMC, Chief Khalsa Diwan, Baru Sahib, Sikh Forum, etc.

Regarding the directory, it covers 25 different fields like Agriculture, Industry, Politics, Music, Science and technology etc. Profiles of Sikhs from respective fields have been included from different parts of the World e.g. USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and Asian Countries including Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand.

The purpose of this Directory is to highlight the achievements and the contribution of the Sikh community for the development of their country, their adoptive country, and for the benefit of the entire mankind. The Directory shows the Sikhs as not only a brave community, but also as an enterprising people who, despite their insignificant percentage of population, have won laurels in almost all the spheres of life.

The Directory is also meant to provide necessary information regarding the Sikh religion, history, values and traditions, so that the people of the world may know more about them. As they are spread over more than 100 countries of the world, this information is useful for the people of those countries for interaction and harmonious relationships. The Sikh religion also helps in interfaith understanding as Sri Guru Granth Sahib, their eternal Guru is a treasure of spiritual wisdom meant for all the people of the world.

The function will be attended by a number of dignitaries from India and abroad. They will include S. Tarlochan Singh, Ex-MP, Rajya Sabha and Chairman National Minorities Commission, S. Manjit Singh G.K, President, DSGMC, Giani Kewal Singh Ex-Jathedar Takht Sri Damdama Sahib, Talwandi Sabo, S. Gurpreet Singh from Chandigarh, S. Ranbir Singh from Lucknow, S. Joginder Singh from Allahabad, S. Tarvinder Singh Sabharwal from Mumbai, S. Pushpinder Singh, President Sikh Forum Delhi, S. Tajinder Singh from Australia, S. Prabhjot Singh from Australia, and Veer Bhupinder Singh from USA. Bhai Sahiba Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur of Sikh Dharma from USA will be the Chief Guest of this programme and S. Gulbarg Singh Bassi, President of the Global Sikh Council, USA, will be the Guest of Honour.

UPDATE:  Account of the event above held on 12th March

The programme started with Ardas and Shabad. Veer Bhupinder Singh, a renowned Sikh preacher, Giani Kewal Singh Ex-Jathedar Takht Sri Damdama Sahib, Talwandi Sabo, Bibi Harjeet Kaur and S. Tarlochan Singh Ex-MP, Rajya Sabha and Chairman National Minorities Commission, then spoke on the concept of role model as emerging from Gurbani, the qualities of a role model in Gurbani and Sri Guru Gobind Singh as the Supreme role model. After the talks given by these scholars Sh. Pall explained as on what basis the present role models have been included in the Directory. As Shri Nitish Kumar Ji could not attend the function because of some unavoidable circumstances he sent a message regretting his absence and deputed resident commissioner, Shri Bipin Kumar, to represent him in the function. 

Shri Bipin Kumar Ji stayed in the function for the entire period and appreciated the love and devotion with which people spoke for the honorable Chief Minister. 

He received the honor on behalf of the CM and assured that the CM will like to meet the organizers in near future to convey his Thanks.

He also released alongwith  other dignitaries, the directory of 500 Sikh role models and appreciated the huge efforts put in by the Sanstha to prepare the same.

At the time of realease, the chief guest Bhai Sahaba Dr. Bibi ji Inderjeet Kaur of Sikh Dharma from USA and Guests of Honor, S. Tarvinder Singh Sabharwal, S. Gulbarg Singh Bassi and S. Kulbir Singh were also on the stage.    

The programme came to an end with honours and appreciations of renowned Sikh personalities followed by refreshments. The function was attended by a large number of Sikhs representing prominent Sikh organizations of India and overseas. They included S. Gurpreet Singh from Chandigarh, S. Ranbir Singh from Lucknow, S. Joginder Singh from Allahabad, S. Pushpinder Singh, President Sikh Forum Delhi, S. Prabhjot Singh from Australia, S.S.S. Khurana, Ex chairman Railway Board, S. Kulwinder Singh, Bhagwant Singh Dalwari, Rupinder Singh Marcos and Principal Narinderpal Singh. 



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