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SALDEF 2020 Racial Justice Series


SALDEF is excited to announce the 2020 Racial Justice Series: Demystifying U.S. History and Activating Sikh Action for Black Justice Movements-- a six-part webinar series presented by the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF).

To register or find out more about each episode click on the title:
Aug. 15, 2:00 PM EST - Colonial Uprisings and The Creation of "Race" / From the colonial period to the eve of Civil War  with Dr. Nneka D. Dennie. 

Aug. 23,  8:00 PM EST - Black Resistance and Continued Protest / From Civil War to Mandated Desegregation   with Channon Miller PhD.

Aug. 30, 8:00 PM EST - Fighting for Civil Rights / From Liberation Movements to the Movement for Black Lives  with Dr. Ashley Howard. 

TBD - Fighting for Black Trans Lives In Liberation Movements 

TBD - Transmitting white supremacy, and anti-Blackness, through visual culture 

TBD - Gurbani as the Guide for Sikhs' in The Movement for Black Lives 

Sikhs Americans, like most in the United States, are unaware of the true history of race. In many cases, we as a society need to relearn the history that has been taught and take a hard look at the true reality within this country. The six-part series Demystifying U.S. History and Activating Sikh Action for Black Justice Movements will be a substantive analysis of our current situation beginning with an appreciation of what African Americans have done in the past to fight white supremacy and their victories and defeats that have resonated for all communities of color.

The six-part racial justice series will provide viewers with the basis to understand the current historical moment through a substantive introduction to the history of race and protest against white supremacist violence and legislation. The series will also highlight the societal articulation of white supremacy, race, class, gender, and sexuality. We hope to help correct the mistaken history in most Americans' minds, and also the historical erasure of the women and LGBTQ folks who were so central to every part of the struggles we will study.

Without a historical appreciation of what African Americans have endured and survived, we as Sikh Americans cannot be good allies. We cannot be legitimate participants in the discussion regarding race now being undertaken in this country. If we do not know what has happened in the past, we cannot learn from the lessons of history, nor benefit from the mistakes of those who fought for justice in the past. 

Register now for this important series.

About SALDEF: Founded in 1996, SALDEF is a national non-profit civil rights and educational organization. SALDEF protects and promotes the civil rights of Sikh Americans through advocacy, education, and media relations. SALDEF’s mission is to create a fostering environment in the United States for Sikh Americans. Sikhism is a distinct religious faith that is over five hundred years old. There are approximately half a million Sikhs living in the United States.

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