Planning a wedding is a huge project; from the guest list and stationery to choosing the venue and cake and we're not even talking about your outfits or the honeymoon!

The most important thing however is you. By following these stress busting tips and staying calm, you'll ensure you make good decisions and enjoy the preparations too.

Diet - Small changes have the biggest effect

Simple changes to your diet will help you to manage stress levels, while having a beneficial effect on your skin and figure too. Appearance can often be a cause of worry, getting this right will enable you to feel confident and relaxed, knowing you're looking your best.

While reaching for a bar of chocolate when you're feeling frazzled may give you an instant energy boost, eating refined sugar lowers immune system functioning by up to fifty percent, resulting in less protection for your skin, causing those dreaded break-outs. Instead keep some fruit with you. Apples are great; they're filling and contain all the nutrients your skin will love you for.

Drink as much water as you can, dehydration will impair your ability to think clearly. Sipping mineral water every five minutes or so will keep your mind alert and fresh, while hydrating your skin from the inside. Aim for a one litre bottle everyday. Carrying it with you wherever you go will do wonders for your arms too. Herbal teas such as chamomile contain natural calming properties and have a soothing effect - just what you need after a hectic days shopping.

Move your Body!

Exercise is great for relaxation and for your looks. If you can get to a gym that's excellent, otherwise a thirty minute walk around the block in the evening will help your body to unwind from the stresses of the day, encouraging more restful sleep. Walking in green open spaces is said to enhance creative thinking, so if there's a park nearby, get someone to come along with you, it's good for the stressed out bride-to-be-relative too!

Emotions get stored in the muscles of the body, doing yoga and treating yourself to a pampering massage will help release tension. Yoga is excellent for improving posture too, some gyms offer lunch time sessions, so you may be able to fit some in during your working day.

Take naps whenever you can, they'll recharge your physical and mental batteries. Ninety percent of information comes through the eyes, just closing your eyes for five minutes while sitting in a quiet place allows your brain to rest, you'll notice the difference in your body as well.

Me Time

Do have regular 'me' time away from the wedding arrangements - like a girlie afternoon with a good friend, doing things you love. Fun and laughter are great stress busters, you'll return to the wedding plans refreshed. Remember the wedding is a part of your life, just as the marriage will be, your health, work, family and friends, interests etc all still need attention, so it's important to keep them going. Stress is usually the result of things getting out of balance, this way you won't feel the wedding is taking over your life and it will stop you feeling irritated and overwhelmed.

Closing of a Chapter

In the run up to the wedding give yourself some time out to think and reflect. Closing one chapter in your life and beginning another is quite an emotional phase. You'll be leaving your family, moving to a new area and home. Make time to share special moments with your loved ones, perhaps discovering what it was like for your mum when she got married and hearing her stories.


As a therapist the most common complaint I hear from men is that we expect them to read our minds and then we become frustrated and upset when they don't (although 'can't' is probably the correct word!). Women are more tuned into emotions and can anticipate needs more easily - we're just wired that way by nature to fulfil our roles as nurturers. So don't expect him to know what needs to be done. Most men really do just appreciate being told or asked, e.g.; 'Could you please ring the travel agent tomorrow lunch time?' Communicating clearly will alleviate a lot of stress; it also serves as a good foundation for your marriage. Remember the team work starts now!

Don't forget to Nurture your Relationship

Many women become very task focused and that's understandable, you have a full time job and there's so much involved in organising a wedding. But do keep a balance; it's important to nurture your relationship as well. Having some special 'us' time will keep the connection between you strong and healthy. It's important now and in the future when you're married. So set aside regular time to enjoy each others company without any 'wedding' talk, just chilling. A good movie followed by a romantic dinner will do wonders for both your stress levels.

Planning a wedding can mean months of intense activity, by keeping things balanced and in perspective you'll step out on your wedding day a truly radiant bride.



Author's Bio:
Darshan Kaur is an NLP Therapist based in south-east England, she provides help for a range of different issues including stress, anxiety, and relationships. She also delivers personal development training courses to private and public sector organisations.


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