Sikh history is filled with stories that tell of the grace and valor of women who served the Panth and stood strong in the face of challenge. At the heart of a woman’s strength is the powerful impact of her prayer on her family, her sangat, and those she loves. Yet many of us today ask, “How should we pray?” - calling out for wisdom that has never been lost, but is often hidden from view in the midst of a hectic life.
This weekend at Raj Khalsa Gurdwara in Sterling Virginia, Saturday May 5th, there will be an inspired woman’s gathering to discover the power and potency of a woman’s prayer. All ages are welcome as we delve deep into the Guru’s Bana and focused meditation for our families, our community, and ourselves.
Shanti Kaur Khalsa and Ravi Kaur Khalsa, both from New
Mexico, host the workshop. Shanti and
Ravi bring a deep love of Sikhi and a practical approach to living as a woman
in the modern age. There is something
here for everyone as we enjoy the company of Sikh woman for a few precious
Where: Raj Khalsa Gurdwara 2281 Silverbrook Rd Sterling, VA 20166
When – Saturday, May 5th. 9AM to 12:30PM
For more information call: Guru Sangat Singh (703) 568-7888, or Kartar Singh (703) 627-6338
Or register online at: