PrestonGurdwara (139K)
The Prince's Trust Volunteers and members of Guru Nanak Gurudwara Sikh Temple, Preston

Volunteers have unveiled the transformation of Preston’s Sikh temple.

An enthusiastic group of young people from the Prince’s Trust chose the building on Bow Lane as the focus of their community project.

They have transformed the premises by clearing out a warehouse and adding a lick of paint to the kitchen and dining room.

And now, they have officially handed over the revamped rooms to the Sikh community.

Team leader Ruth Carr said the group had spent a week planning what they would do, costing the work and getting donations from local businesses.

This was followed by a further two weeks carrying out the work.

She said: “The warehouse was full of all sorts so they had to bring in skips to get rid of the rubbish and they also sent some things for recycling.

“This project is just part of a 12-week programme with the Prince’s Trust, which aims to equip the group members with the skills to move forward in to the world of work.”

Gulgar Singh, president of the Sikh temple, said: “We welcomed the opportunity to allow these young people to work on a community project like this. It’s given the place a facelift and also raised our profile.”

Sikh prayers from the holy book, the Guru Granth, were recited during the ceremony, which also involved presenting the group with certificates.

The Mayor of Preston, Bobby Cartwright, was among the guests.

The Prince’s Trust group will now go on to complete a series of courses including one on leadership.


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