A life of humility, of compassion, of caring and sharing, of walking the talk, and showing us a new pathway to God.
Stress, anxiety and worry are only symptoms of a deep underlying disease
We know that the coronavirus is active in India, even though people living outside India, are not knowledgeable of the details of damage and number of casualties. Mind you, the casualty figures from India may not always be dependable. The Golden Temple receives perhaps the largest number of tourists that visit the site every day.
In conclusion the only Precept of the Sikhi is: naamu jeevnha (ਨਾਮੁ ਜੀਵਣਾ), live in the naamu.
Everyone and every thing have a purpose (dharma). Sun, air, water, trees, soil, animals and human beings, everyone has a purpose. So, we are supposed to find our purpose and do everything to achieve it. This is called life. A person who lives according to his/her purpose is at peace both consciously and unconsciously.
Our ego fools and blinds us into believing that it is we, who have ideas whereas the converse is true
The answer to feeling anxious and afraid is to take action – it’s the antidote
My story is just a tiny drop in the ocean full or horrific stories by women worldwide. Our community needs a major cleanse.