The veil of night, the song of morning, the chirping of birds, the freshness of a cool breeze... are these not all prayers to the Almighty? Are not all surrendering their love to the Lord? There entire creation is filled with wonder. The souls dipped in His love have eyes to realize that wonder. My Lord is high and so is His Grace. I am foolish my Lord, I cannot sing Thee and Thy Grace. Ah! What have I gained from being a Human?

It is all illusion and all darkness without the Almighty. Everything is God. He is all pervading. He is the root and the origin of all elegance. He is Himself a prayer and He is himself the One who prays. Only He is elegant enough to be His own prayer. All means of His praise are smaller than His self. He is the seed and he is also the tree. All starts from Him and all ends in Him. All earth and heaven sing Him. The air sings, the light sings, the sky sings, the stars sing, the trees sing, the birds sing, the entire creation sings; Ah! …all except me.

The Almighty is all-merciful. His gifts are for all alike. His kindness is bestowed on all alike. Heaven and earth do not differentiate between good and evil. The wind bestows its breezes on all alike. The sun shines its warmth on all and the rain drenches all. The dewdrops are soft to everyone.The flower expresses its beauty to all who see it. The merciful One showers His mercy. He forgives us for being thankless. We love none but ourselves, yet He cares for all.

The smile of a child is holy, the affection of a cow for her calf is holy, waiting for the beloved is holy, the silence of morning is holy, the entire creation is holy and I wonder how sacred is the Creator of all that is holy. Wondrous are the day and the night. Still more wondrous is their endless cycle. Wonderful is the wonderer that experiences this wonder. What a perfect engineer is the Creator?  There is music of the soul and the Almighty is the musician. Yet, I am deaf enough for not listening.

His command is supreme. His kingdom runs through all nations. All kings, all judges and all laws fall under His Law. Water quenches thirst by His power. Wind blows thunder by His command. Clouds shed rain by His power. The sun showers its brightness by His consent. The earth holds all by His approval. The earth and sun revolve with His sanction for He is present in all things and fills them with His blessing. By His command flow millions of Rivers. By His power the leaf trembles.  All hands are folded in reverence, for those which do not are not hands but mere bones. He is the heart. He is the mind and He is the Soul. There is only One. It is all One.

The lines written above, My Lord, are a poor representation of your cosmos. “Many insects endeavor to utter Thy praises, listening to the word of the Sky” is the revelation. These musings do not make much sense nor do they constitute an attempt at sense, but that is all that my poor mind could produce. It is all low and all insane. Your vastness cannot be described. It cannot be put into words. All words are shorthand for Thy praise.

Oh! Merciful One, please accept my prayer. It is the cry of my heart, which is You, and yet it is a tiny attempt to define your infinity which lies beyond definition.

Forgive me, Oh merciful One, for you are the ocean and a drop cannot add anything to it. For you are the creator and I am only the created. You are the infinite and I am empty.

This is one prayer in a million prayers. This is one pair of hands folded in the ocean of millions of hands.  

Thou art merciful my Lord! Thou art merciful.  

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