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Whaheguru ji ka Khalsa. Whaheguru ji ke Fateh.

Greetings to EveryOne in the name of the King of Miri and Piri, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, Royal holder of the 2 swords who gave us a lifeline to now one of the best Sikh Youth and Young Generation Camps for Sikhs all over the world and Khalsa, Camp Miri Piri.

Forged Formed by deepest blessing hand of God and Guru Hargobind, he brought Sikh Sewaks Singapore, Cherdi Kala Jetha, Shanti Kaur Khalsa, the lion Gurutej Singh Khalsa and Gurujodhha Singh Khalsa, myself, Kawalpal Singh Khalsa-Siri Akal Jetha, Sangat of Singapore, Malaysia, now America and Canada and Australia.

This Year 2011 in April we held the Camp in Sydney.

CampSydney (274K)

Harpreet Singh Sekhan and Family, Sangat of Australia and our Khalsa Sister Jagdeep Kaur Khalsa in Melbourne toiled, worked hard went through hell and heaven and hosted a beautiful Camp in the outskirts of Sydney.

About 70 participants attended and had a deep experience. Morning Banis, Kundalini Yoga, deep Meditations, physical training, Man to Man straight talk, woman's sessions, Sikh History, Kirtan and Guru's blessings.

In the outskirts of Sydney in nature among kangaroos, we chanted daily God's Name, contemplated, toiled and sweat and learned. Cherdi Kala Jetha,Sat Pavan Kaur Khalsa, Siri Akal Jetha and Harsukh, Jagdeep and members of the Sydney Sangat taught, shared and inspired.

Sydney participants have asked us for a 2nd camp.

In August this Year- Calgary, Canada.

CampCalgary (274K)

of Calgary, Dr.Harjot, Gurinder Singh and his team of dedicated sewadars flew us out. Cherdi Kala Jetha, Siri Akal Jetha, Shanti Kaur Khalsa and Dr Harjot Kaur Khalsa taught at another deeply inspiring Sangat and Camp. About 110 participants. They were hungry to learn from 4 am to 10 at night they kept up and really learnt, participated, chanted, read Banis, cried, laughed and grew.

In the evenings the kirtan sessions in the packed Gurdwara inspired us and we grew.

Calgary was so beautiful.

By Grace of Akal and Guru Hargobind Ji, Sangat of Calgary, Gurinder and his team of deeply inspiring Sewadars, Dr Harjot Kaur Khalsa hosted an impeccable experience.

Cherdi Kala Jetha gets high marks today, a proud achievement. Their kirtan by Guru's Grace, is growing ever better and inspiring more and more. Shanti Kaur Khalsa was such an icon to the Khalsa ladies in Calgary.

We promise to grow and bring the Camp Experience step by step to everywhere. Check our website:

Harimandir Singh Khalsa of Espanola held the space for many things in Calgary; covered us in many, many ways. He taught and inspired every member of the Camp. They loved him. Harimnadir Ji - your seva is much cherished. Your jokes and laughter saved us when we were deeply tired, and your work that you do, when we can't is our altar. Harimandir is now is putting a detailed plan of future camps on all the invitations of Sangat members around the world.

Sat Nam.
Thank You!

Humbly Yours,
Rajveer Singh Khalsa


Next year in 2012 Camp Miri Piri is in Singapore and Washington DC, America.

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