New Categories & $3,500 in Prizes

As you know this years theme is onKAUR: Sikh women’s voices. Sikh women’s stories. We know that you can make so many good films on the subject! So, we decided to change the format this year, and have three NEW prize categories.

Intermediate group (ages 18-28)

  • $1,000 for best Comedy - Does it make you laugh?
  • $1,000 for best Drama - Does it make you cry?
  • $1,000 for best Documentary - Does it make you think or learn?

Yes, that’s right. There are now
THREE ways to win $1000.


So when you start working on your video, consider:

  • Do you want to use humor to share your story?
  • Do you have something touching to say, that will move people’s hearts?
  • Is there an important issue that you want to educate people to think about? 

Pick up your video camera and make your story about Sikh women come to life. Get Started HERE

Other Changes:

  • For the Intermediate group (ages 18-28), there will no longer be a prize for short/long film categories.
  • Junior category (Ages 11-17) will now have one prize only this year - a first place prize of $500.
  • Senior category (ages 29 and above) will still receive recognition but no cash prize.

Deadline: August 31

Happy film-making!

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