The James Hemming Essay Prize is administered by the British Humanist Association, New Humanist and the South Place Ethical Society. Entries will be accepted from any student at a UK school or college studying for AS or A2 levels who will not have passed his or her 19th birthday by 31st March 2009.

The 2009 essay subject is: "In life, the meaning comes in living." (James Hemming, Individual Morality, p.191).

The James Hemming Essay Prize awards are:

  •     1st Prize £1000
  •     2nd Prize £500
  •     3rd Prize £250

Prize winners will receive their awards in London in July 2009.  The prize money is provided by the South Place Ethical Society.  Prize winners will also receive books from the British Humanist Association and a year's subscription to New Humanist.  The prize winner's college or school will receive books from the British Humanist Association and a free online subscription to New Humanist.

Dr James Hemming (1909-2007) was President and later Vice President of the British Humanist Association, a frequent lecturer at the South Place Ethical Society and an Honorary Associate of the Rationalist Association, which publishes New Humanist magazine. He was a dedicated teacher and educationist, a distinguished educational psychologist and a passionate advocate of an education system that would value and encourage every child. His books include Individual Morality, and The Betrayal of Youth.

The James Hemming essay prize is open to any student at a UK school or college studying for AS or A2 levels who will not have passed his or her 19th birthday by 31st March 2009.

Essays entered for the competition should be no more than 1500 words including footnotes but not including references, and any sources must be referenced.  Essays must be the original work of the entrant and the James Hemming Essay Prize committee reserves first publication rights for winning essays.

In the event of no essay meeting an adequate standard, the judges reserves the right not to award any or all of the prizes.

The essay must be accompanied by a completed entry form [download here] and posted to:

James Hemming Essay Prize
1 Gower Street
London WC1E 6HD

The deadline for entries is 31st March 2009.

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