This year the students of Miri Piri Academy have undertaken to conceptualize, design and prepare a project on “Sustainable Living- A Way of Life”. The vision behind this project is to make the students informed and responsible decision-makers, playing active roles as citizens of the world, who will contribute to social, environmental, and economic well-being, and an equitable quality of life for all, now and in the future.We hope this project will enable our students to make choices that incorporate the essential principles and values of sustainability.

For the past two weeks, there has been a frenzy of activity as the students researched, designed posters and made models. From conceptualization to actual delivery of the ideas, the project work has been a great learning for the students. Through all the noise and chaos that prevailed on campus, what has emerged is an amazing projection of the future of Miri Piri Academy. And as the project reaches it’s culmination, the excitement is mounting as the students are anxious to display their work to parents and visitors.


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