Louisiana: According to CNN, 6,900,000,000,000 gallons of water rained down on 13 Louisiana, U.S.A. parishes as of August 18, 2016 during the worst flooding in U.S. History since Superstorm Sandy. UNITED SIKHS' Humanitarian Aid volunteers and staff from across the country have been physically in Louisiana working tirelessly to lend support while the Operations team garners funding to assist.

Volunteers purchasing essential items for families affected by the flood.


    The following materials are yet in dire need:
  1. Hygiene goods like toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, baby wipes, diapers, etc.
  1. Cleaning materials like clorox, mops, brooms, buckets, etc.
  1. Emergency Relief materials like bandages, alcohol, etc
"It is what the Sikh community believes in. Helping those in need. Helping a neighbor in every way one can," states Jatinder Singh, UNITED SIKHS' SIKH AID National Director. Others in the Sikh community who could not be there have assisted through donations that are making the lives of the thousands of families affected better by the day.

"Thank you to all those who saw and accepted the opportunity to help," states Mr. Singh. "The goal is to provide 500 families with the most basic necessities. Now, after weeks since the rains stopped, there are still many children and families in shelters and in daily need of food, fresh water and other necessities without which they could not survive this calamity. Continued financial support with donations are still desperately needed."


Please help UNITED SIKHS volunteers and staff continue this effort by doing your share by donating or volunteering with us.

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