I know we are all born from the womb of the divine women, holy and full of love and light. Before we are born we are conceived in the womb and cared for with the greatest unconditional love. The first body part that starts to grow is the heart, not the mind. I know there was darkness and God made light. The heart grows out of the darkness and nothingness and the woman knows the power of two hearts. I am sure a woman feels a sense of profound love and sacredness when she is with child, in a sense coming out of darkness and into a profound sense of renewed unconditional love. This is why a woman with child is sacred and holy. When we are just a light being, that light shines with the creation of love unconditional and becomes physical. This is conception of the Divine beings that are us. As we start to grow more inside the womb the second thing that grows is the tongue. Never forget the power of words ,voice and most of all sound.b I have found a profound sense of truth ,deep love and understanding of the power of words, vocals and the heart. The third organ that grows is the mind and synapse start connecting from the heart though the tongue into the brain. With this understanding of the universal laws of creation have come a great sense of peace and love inside my heart. Love starts in the heart and so does God and all the untapped secrets we so blindly choose not to understand when it has in all ways been inside each and every one of us waiting to be discovered. As we grow into our birthday suits we are taught a male mechanistic way of thinking and a harmful way of being out of touch and balance with the heart and real love. This is the way of the mind and its analytic taught teachings throughout our lives. These teachings teach us to be out of touch with our heart and who we were born to be. We are born truly knowing we are beings of love and light because that is all we need when we are born. A newborn child needs love and milk. Did you know you can live off nothing but a diet of milk your entire life and be extremely healthy. I humbly ask you to take a look at a new born child and remember how you feel when you look into that child’s fresh, care free untainted soul. Remember this feeling of compassion and love that just comes over you with out even asking or commanding it to be. It just is a feeling of unconditional love. It does not even matter if you know the child or it is a picture you see of someone else’ child. You are looking at God and how we truly are when we come into this world blessed and untainted. We are born innocent and beautiful and living with our heart. We are true beings of light and love that only wish to be love and loved back. This is all a child truly needs in life. If they do not get this much needed love we all know what happens when we get older and have a life time of no love. We spend so much time searching for it in others and fail to find it and blame others for our lack of love. A life time of not understanding, knowing or remembering how we started out as being of the heart’s love for self can destroy the soul. I pray one day we will all come to truly understand love is all any of us need at the core of our being. When you look for God, look inside your heart first because God is love and this is what your heart is truly made of and made from. Unconditional love. Discover God inside your heart and use your love to shine love into an others heart as much as you can and then even more. This is the nature of what we are and what we are all meant to do in life as beings and pure expressions of love. Welcome to a new day, make sure you take the time to love your self because you can not love some one else if you do not love your self . It all starts with you and your own actions and what you do with your God given free will. Remember how good it feels to be with your mother or first true love or the one that makes you feel like the most beautiful soul on earth. Find your God Seed in these feelings and plant this seed deep so it may grow and others can grow with your loving fruitful knowledge of love and well being. I honestly believe this love will heal our mother earth but first it starts with us. Please know if you say you were in love and you’re not in love now, well you never loved that person or they never truly loved you. You can not fall out of God. So therefore you can not fall out of love. God is Love and love is eternal and it never ends. It just is. It has no beginning, or need for a beginning and has no end, or fear of ending. Love is in all ways there when you need it and there when you do not. Love is so powerful once you understand what it truly is at the core of your being. Thank God for the answer to which there are no more questions.