What is Funjabi Tuition?
Funjabi Tuition is a unique teaching method and full curriculum tak­ing complete beginners of Panjabi to become confident speakers, readers and writers. Created and taught by Panjabi tutor and author,  Kiran Lyall, a lot of Funjabi Tuition’s curriculum is based upon popular culture and interests, for example Lego.


Kiran says “The students I teach connect more with the likes of Panjabi MC and Lilly Singh, rather than traditional artists and themes that I love. One thing that has become most apparent since starting Funjabi Tuition is the sheer joy and con­fidence being bilingual brings to an individual”.

​Reading, writing & speaking:
Lessons are structured to include three areas of learning: reading, writing and speaking Panjabi. Funjabi Tuition aims for each student to achieve a basic level in all three areas. With some students achieving fluency in all three areas. 

Types of lessons:
Classroom Tuition and Online Tuition

The Rung Song
Funjabi Tuition proudly presents The Rung Song. A song which helps children to learn their Panjabi colours through every day lyric association. The official video stars Funjabi Tuition's very own characters, The Pullpots. It's simple lyrics and catchy beat will have you singing along in no time.
​"I love it" said Shay, presenter of Sunny and Shay Show, BBC Radio London.
​Available on (to download) on Spotify and iTunes.


By Kiran Lyall

 At a recent event, I met a very excited mother who told me that her daughter's bedtime routine isn't complete without reading my book. I automatically assumed she was referring to my storybook 'Ria & Raj and the Gigantic Diwali Surprise' but to my own surprise she was actually referring to 'Have Fun With Panjabi'. The mother continued to tell me how on some nights they make up little stories based on the chapter themes and on some they simply like to recite the words. Dad joins in too! I was enlightened to hear how my 'little' book idea back in 2010 had inspired this family and especially their daughter in wanting to learn and love the language. One question I get asked all the time by parents is 'how can I help my child learn Panjabi?', well here are my top five tips... (follow the Five Tips here)

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