Congregation at Gurdwara Sahib in Leamington rallies round to raise thousands for Nepal earthquake aid



Members of the congregation at the Gurdwara Sahib Leamington and Warwick have rallied round to raise thousands of pounds for the victims of the Nepal earthquake which happened on Saturday.


Members acted very quickly and made the announcement from the stage on Sunday to appeal to the congregation for help to those affected by the disaster, immediately the Sangat of the Sikh community showed sympathy and managed to raised over £2,700 in about ten minutes.


The appeal is still open and will be for the next few weeks for anyone else that wants to make a donation.


Mr Shalbinder Singh Malle said it was great to see the Sangat act so quickly to help in this appeal and hoped that over the next few weeks the appeal would raise a substantial amount to send to those affected by the disaster.


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