In 2019, the Kincaid wildfire burned over 77,758 acres of land in the Sanoma County of California. During the trying times, people were evacuated and brought to an evacuation center. The Sikh community, now widely known for its philanthropic work worldwide, stepped in to help people.
On short notice, volunteers from the Northern California gurudwaras, known as Sikhs for Humanity (SFH), came together to help those in need. The members from across northern California, including the city of Manteca, prepared hot meals. They served dinner to more than 700 evacuees at the temporary shelter set up at Marin County Fair Grounds in San Rafael. The gurudwara in Fermont was among the ones preparing food to satiate the hunger of those who suffered the ravages of the fire.
Serving those in need
The Red Cross and the Salvation Army collaborated to establish the shelter in San Rafael for individuals and families, including men, women, and children, who were forced to evacuate their homes as a result of the fire in Sonoma County. Along with the massive areas of land burnt by the fire, more than 124 structures, including 57 residences were damaged.
After the mass evacuation, SFH reached out to partner agencies and groups in order to assess the needs of evacuation centers. After analyzing the situation, they came to the conclusion to provide assistance to the Salvation Army and the Red Cross. As a result, the Sikh community volunteering at the scene promised to continue providing support as long as it was required.
During the service, volunteers brought the food in three pickup trucks. They also set up dining areas inside the shelter for those who were staying there.
One of the organizers who was present at the time said that the evacuees appreciated the hot and delicious vegetarian meal. He also said, “ It was a very emotional and warm welcome and many eyes were seen wet with love and joy for the outpouring of community support during these tough times.”
Volunteers from the SFH Mountain House team served additional hot meals to a total of 500 people at St. Mary's Dining Room in Stockton. The meals were provided for those in need. The St. Mary's Dining Room is a community kitchen that is available to the general public and provides complimentary meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the year.
Significance of ‘Sewa’
The first guru of Sikhism, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, encouraged and ingrained the followers with the virtue of service. For the Sikh community, volunteerism especially for those in need or underserved is one of the biggest tenets.
Sewa means "selfless service," or service performed without regard for personal gain. Sikhs believe that charity should not be given to gain God's favor; rather, it should be offered out of a genuine desire to serve others. It is an act that draws one closer to God.
During the Kincaid fire, the Sikh community came together to prepare food, as it is commonly known as langar or free community meals, that helped many. The aim is to help those in need, and ensure that they have the necessary resources, and filled bellies.
Sikhs for Humanity is an organization made up of members from around 20 gurdwaras in the greater Bay Area, from Sacramento to San Jose. Now, the community coordinates the collection of supplies and the preparation of food in the wake of natural disasters by using social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook groups. Across the globe, the Sikh community has been actively serving those in need by following the principle of ‘Sewa’.