
My name is Chetgur Kaur, it means “Remembering the Guru”. I am 7 years old and 2nd grader at Blackwell Elementary School, Sammamish, WA.

When I was 5 years old, I was getting ready for Kindergarten. The Frozen movie was extremely popular during that time. I fell in love with Olaf, the Snowman, Anna, and Elsa who were the princesses. Both Anna and Elsa had beautiful long braids.

My mom used to make me choose to have Elsa braid or Anna braid every day. One day during summer before Kindergarten, my mom made me to choose to have my hair out as braid or have a turban. I thought about it in my mind!

I choose to wear a turban because I felt I feel guru within me that way. Each princess had its own feelings, superpowers, and identity. I picked up to wear a turban because I also wanted to be a Kaur princess and stand out, be different and let other people see beauty in their own religions, culture, and skin colors as well.

I love to draw as well. Whenever I draw, I feel a feeling in my mind. I love to share my art with my family, teachers, and my friends. My family always support me and my art. I love to draw myself as well and stand out.


I want to go on Ellen’s show  because I want to show boys and girls like me that they can be anyone they want to be and stand out. I want to show my art to this world. You should not give up on your dreams. You should believe in yourself. If you believe, anything will happen. I love this Dr. Seuss quote which is on my Math teacher room door,.

“Don't give up! I believe in you all. A person's a person, no matter how small! And you very small persons will not have to die If you make yourselves heard! So come on, now, and TRY!”

I also know Guru ji will always be on my side. I am his daughter. See some of my drawings below…

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

princesses art.JPG





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