P.S.Badal (8K)A judge has dismissed a Sikh group's U.S. lawsuit against a Indian official who was in Wisconsin last year in the wake of the mass shooting at the Sikh temple at Oak Creek.

After months of litigation, conflicting testimony and suggestion of a government coverup, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman ruled Friday that the lawsuit was never served on the defendant, Parkash Singh Badal.

Sikhs for Justice vow to appeal, saying what Adelman terms a case mistaken identity is actually a matter of witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

Sikhs for Justice sued in Milwaukee under the federal Torture Victim Protection and Alien Tort laws, which grants jurisdiction in U.S. courts. The suit contends that Badal oversaw torture and murder of Sikhs in India, where the religious minority has been the subject of persecution by the Hindu majority.

Badal was in the Milwaukee area last summer to attend local businessman Darshan Dhaliwal's daughter's wedding. Because his region is home to thousands of Sikhs, Badal found himself thrust into the news as he met with temple shooting survivors and spoke to area reporters.

Two West Allis men swore under oath they served the summons and complaint on Badal during a Department of Justice forum at Oak Creek High School on Aug. 9, days after the temple shooting. A U.S. State Department diplomatic protection agent testified in February that Badal was not at the high school that day, but out shopping prior to a wedding he was in Wisconsin to attend that weekend.

Badal's attorneys also put on an Illinois man who said he was the forum to act as interpreter. He said he was handed papers that he then left in his car trunk for months until people associated with Badal started asking him for an affidavit. He didn't find the actual summons and complaint until three days before his testimony in February, he said.

Other witnesses said they had seen Badal at the State Fair, Watts Tea Room and Boelter Superstore on the day in question. Oak Creek's chief of police said he did not see Badal at the forum.

"Defendant’s witnesses were uniformly credible. In combination, they presented a mountain of evidence supporting defendant’s version of the events of August 9," Adelman wrote.

SikhTempleShooting (16K)"I have no doubt that (process servers) Christopher Kratochvil and his brother sincerely believe that they served defendant, but I conclude that they made an honest mistake, one that was understandable under the unusual circumstances of this case."

The plaintiffs raised several points of their own, like why there was no video of Badal at the Boelter store, why armed State Department agents confronted Kratochvil at his home and would not produce -- even for Adelman's eyes -- a statement they say Kratochvil signed.

They also argued that the interpreter who claimed he was the one mistakenly served, was simply not credible, and that he was improperly influenced by Punjab officials who spent three hours with him at the Pfister Hotel prior to his testimony.

In their final written brief, the attorneys for Sikhs for Justice had invoked the so-called missing witness rule, arguing that Badal's attorneys never produced even an affidavit from the Punjab official denying that he was served.


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