This weekend, Sikhs from around the world gathered in Espanola, New Mexico, USA and watched via the Internet, as the community honored the 10th Anniversary of the passing of Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan.

Singh Sahib Giani Gurbachan Singh ji, Jathedar, Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, and Giani Ranjit Singh ji, Bangla Sahib Gurdwara, joined the community for this remembrance celebration. These Sikh dignitaries traveled from India for the program, and spoke to the sangat Sunday morning, October 5th, at the Siri Singhasan Gurdwara.

The Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, representing the highest administrative authority in the Sikh faith, spoke kindly about Yogiji, and the service he had done for the Guru. He invited the world-wide Sikh community to come to Harimandir Sahib once a year, to chant together, become one with each other and receive the blessings of Guru Ram Das. 

A translation of part of his speech is below. The entire speech is in the video posted on this page. You can also listen to his speech the day before during one of the evening programs.

“In the presence of the pure, true Guru, Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and in the memory of the man who, with every breath meditated on God, and with every word remembered God, and was always attached to the Guru, Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Harbhajan Singh ji – Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

“When we see the Guru, all the heat of the person goes away and there comes peace.  In this world, there are thousands of people who are born every day, and thousands who die.  People come with their karmas. Yogiji came like a normal person, but in reality, he was not a normal person. He came with a mission from the Guru. He did his job and then he went back to the Guru. When people see you, they know you are the ones Yogiji brought to the Guru, and they want to have your company.


Jathedar of Akal Takhat with translation by Bibiji

“You don’t have to worship him like a Guru, but trust his words, what he has given you, and live up to that. He united you with the Guru, and not with himself. Your tongue should always chant Guru’s name and that Naam will take you across.

“Yogiji was like a flower. As a poet once said, you can smell the flower and get the perfume from it. You don’t have to become the flower. Take the perfume and live with it. 

“Yogiji had you all wear white which symbolizes purity so you can spread the truth of the Guru. We have to spread the Guru's essence to our children and to everyone we encounter. 

“To the Sikhs in every country, it is important that you should all get together once a year. Then the relationships and the unity will remain. It is my request that the Sikhs of the world should get together once a year, and have a gathering where all can sit and chant, discuss our religion, remember God’s name and create that vibration. That way, we will remember God and be a part of each other. My wish is that all the Sikhs of the world, whoever listens to Guru Granth Sahib’s message, whoever listens to Yogiji’s message, should come to Harimandir Sahib once a year, and we will meet there and get the blessings of Guru Ram Das.

“I am thankful to Bhai Sahiba Bibi Inderjit Kaur and (her son) Kulbir Singh who came to me and invited me. The love I got from this sangat, I will always remember.”

Giani Ranjit Singh ji also addressed the community.  He prayed for the protection of the sangat and also requested that the Sikhs come to visit India.

Here is a portion of his talk translated. The entire speech is in the video posted on this page, starting at 2:07:40.

“Within the Khalsa Panth, we have come to honor Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Yogiji. In the competition of the world, let us not compete in business. Let us compete as the Guru commanded of us that Raj Karega Khalsa, Khalsa will rule the world.  

I am confident that you will represent and take this message throughout the world. As America is the leader in the world, in this bana, you will take the light of Guru Nanak and spread it throughout the whole world. And I make a request to Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur ji and Siri Sikdar Sahiba Guru Amrit Kaur ji and Sikh Dharma International, all your organizations and all of you – I make a request that you come to India. Meet all the people there, old or young. You will see the happiness rise in their faces. How proud they are of you. You will be proud, yourself, and this will bring a lot of energy to us as a whole sangat.



SikhNet chairman Supreet Manchanda addresses Akal Takhat Jathedar, Head Granthi of Bangala Sahib, Bhai Sahiba Bibi ji and others. 

Singh Sahib Giani Gurbachan Singh ji and Giani Ranjit Singh ji were both honored with saropas from the community. The saropas were presented by Siri Sikdar Sahib of Sikh Dharma International, Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa, and chairman of the Sikh Dharma International board, Kirtan Singh Khalsa. Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa, board member of Sikh Dharma International, served as translator during the Gurdwara speeches.

Later Sunday afternoon, Singh Sahib Giani Gurbachan Singh ji and Giani Ranjit Singh ji toured the SikhNet offices. SikhNet staff and board members had a wonderful dialogue with these Sikh dignitaries. Seeing the SikhNet website, they expressed their concerns about online digital versions of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Many Sikh websites today have Gurbani shabads and online Siri Guru Granth Sahib, but there are spelling mistakes in the Gurbani of these digital versions. The question arose – how to identify and correct those mistakes not just within the SikhNet site, but across many Sikh websites?

One proposal was to create a core team of experts who could read through the online Siri Guru Granth Sahib at SikhNet, correct any errors, and then share that knowledge with other Sikh websites. 

The dignitaries also saw:  the online Gurbani Media Center, and the hundreds of musicians from around the world who are recording kirtan; the Daily Hukamnama from Harimandir Sahib and how there are audio translations available in multiple languages; and the children’s audio stories which tell Sikh historical and Sikh inspired stories for the youth. 

The SikhNet Youth Online Film Festival movie “Uncommon Courage of Kaur” was also shown to the Jathedar and Gianiji. They laughed and enjoyed this short film immensely.

Those who attended this meeting included: Bhai Sahib Dr. Bibiji Inderkit Kaur, wife of Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan. Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa, Siri Sikdar Sahiba of Sikh Dharma International. Sikh Dharma International Chairman of the Board, Kirtan Singh Khalsa. SikhNet Chairman of the Board, Supreet Singh Manchanda. SikhNet Board member Dr. Harjot Kaur. SikhNet CEO Guruka Singh Khalsa. SikhNet CTO Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa. SikhNet staff members Gurujot Singh Khalsa, Harijot Singh Khalsa and Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa.


From left to right, front row: Bhai Sahiba Dr. Bibiji Inderjit Kaur, wife of Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan. CEO of SikhNet, Guruka Singh Khalsa. SikhNet Board Member, Dr. Harjot Kaur. Singh Sahib Giani Gurbachan Singh ji, Jathedar Sri Akal Takhat Sahib. Giani Ranjit Singh ji, head Granthi, Bangla Sahib Gurdwara. Sardarni Sukhvinder Kaur ji, wife of Giani Ranjit Singh ji. Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa, Program Director, SikhNet.
From left to right, back row. SikhNet Chairman of the Board, Supreet Singh Manchanda. SikhNet CTO, Gurumustuk Singh Khalsa. SikhNet Content Manager, Harijot Singh Khalsa. SikhNet Creative Director, Gurujot Singh Khalsa.

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