The past year and half has been what I could say the greatest year for me.

Working on my mental health and, through that, coming into my own being as myself.

One of the lessons that have resonated with me this year, has to be the lesson of law of attraction and how we are using it unconsciously at every moment in our life.

What is law of attraction? according to google the definition is; the law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. All the good, all the bad we experience happens due to this law, almost like a small ardas/prayer. For example, you go for a job interview confident you will get the job even though you don't have all the credentials and later find out you actually got it, versus going to a job interview nervous about being qualified and later finding out you didn't get the job. You basically pre-determined your fate about what the result will be due to the certain energy you put out.

But the law of attraction is working from your subconscious mind and your unconscious mind as well as from your conscious mind. That means that if your conscious mind is projecting "I'm going to get the job" but your subconscious mind is projecting "I'm not qualified. I'm never going to get this job," your subconscious fear and insecurity may be even stronger than your conscious thoughts.

My focus for this post has to be how law of attraction is being at play with politics. Either it be Trumps election, his policies, DAPL, and lets bring it closer to home with the arrest of Jagtar Singh Johal aka Jaggi.

The law of attraction is basically that whatever one outs out comes back to them, mainly the energy we put out into the world. If you put out negative energy you get back negative if you put out positive energy you get back positive. Some might even call it karma but no that's not it.

When Trump was elected president, I was so scared I cried myself to sleep thinking about what will happen to my brother and so many other Singhs I know. The next time I talked to my transformational coach Raz I told her about this fear and how it didn't make sense to why he was elected in the first place since no one wanted him elected. What she explained to me made so much sense to me hear I am trying to tell you all the same.

Basically all of us voted for the other party, Hillary or whoever else everyone wrote in, with the initial thought that "I don't want Trump as my president'. I was never 'I want Hillary as my president so I'm voting for her' it was always I don't want trump elected.

So although we all didn't want him we still got him. Why you might ask?

Well its not about what you dont want, its about what you want.

In this election more energy was put into what we didn't want rather than what we wanted. So the result was that we got him, because when we said we didn't want him you had already decided that he was our president, even thought he hadnt been elected yet.

The more you work against 'something' the result will always be that 'something' winning and you losing.

It makes so much sense, we were fearing something that hadnt even happened, yet in our minds we were already living in that future. As if a prayer asking for it to happen. The Universe aka Guru Sahib always gives you want you want, always. It doesnt mean you only get the good things you also get the bad. In a way basically the entire country was doing an ardas to have Trump elected without even knowing it. Look at DAPL, or even some of trumps policies. All are things we dont want with all our hearts yet somehow the opposite of what our hearts desire takes place. We had already decided the outcome.

Here is my take on the arrest of Jaggi, which goes back to 1984.

Since 1984 we sikhs have been living in fear of the Indian government doing what it did again. Never once have we said we are safe now. We always said the Indian government is bad and will find us and arrest us again, so we have to get lawyers to fight in court so we can get justice. All with the sitting thought that its never going to work, that the government will do anything to shut us down. What happens? It never works, very few cases where prisoners have been released yet there are still many still suffering in jail.

As for Jaggi, we keep saying things on social media like 'give our brother back', 'release jaggi', 'why are they bringing him to court so many times yet nothing ever happens', and so on. We are literally crying on social media raising awareness to everyone and anything who can hear our voices.

Why are we crying though? Why are you begging for your brother back? Have you already decided that hes gonna stay and suffer in jail? Have you already decided for yourself that he wont get out? People are literally out here the counting the number of days he is behind bars.

thought-for-the-day-Dan-Zadra-quotes (27K)I'm not saying it's not okay to worry, because it's okay to worry. Raise awareness about what is happening, tell people about how the government is abusing there power. But I'm also saying have trust in yourself and in the higher power. I'm saying that use your power of ardaas which I believe is our version of law of attraction (will probably write more on this) to say that our brother is safe and well and will be out soon. Use the energy you have worrying into hope. Imagine every one of us saying that. All that energy into saying that he is innocent and he will be out. You get what you put out. You keep worrying for him it'll only get worse. Have faith and hope that he will be released safely to his family I believe it will get better.

Everything in your life works this way. Its been working for me manifesting things that would be nearly impossible but it still happening. Because when you put a thought out there the Universe aka Guru Sahib makes it happen. We can prevent so many things from happening but we as society are riddled with fear and rather than preventing we only make those fears come true.

If you don't see me posting everyday about Jaggi or any other thing that affects us as society its because I have faith in my power of the law of attraction aka my power of ardas. I do an ardas that says we are always safe and everything will always fall into place. I've learned not to worry but have faith and letting myself go.

We have so much power as humans, as Sikhs, but faith is something I've noticed we all are losing within ourselves.

I hope I didn't offend anyone as these are my own opinions, I'm not even sure if any of this makes sense to those reading. I have so much to learn but I just know that I couldnt sit here watching my brothers and sisters lose themselves in worry and doubt.

Avnit Kaur
[email protected]

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