At SikhNet, we feel that #GivingTuesday is a lovely opportunity for us to give a gift to YOU, our SikhNet family. 

Some days it's hard to even turn on the news, there is so much darkness in the world. And - I'm sure you have noticed that we can counteract some of the negative effects of today's global insanity by changing our own environments through Gurbani. 

This year we have prepared a couple of brand new playlists of our favorite hand-picked Gurbani Kirtan just for you, to bring light into some of the darkness in the world.

Surround yourself with peace and tranquility, and remember that the vibrations we send out into the world make a difference!

Click Here for your #GivingTuesday gift

Here in the SikhNet office, #GivingTuesday is the day we give thanks to YOU for being part of the SikhNet family. On this day, we recognize that we believe in you, and we celebrate our deep gratitude for your belief in us. We appreciate that you follow SikhNet’s progress and the accomplishments we have achieved by Guru's grace over 20 years. Thank you for choosing to share a portion of your Dasvandh to help others around the world. 

Thank you!
Darshan Kaur
Development Director, SikhNet



Gratitude: the Key to Joy

Join Guruka Singh Khalsa & Darshan Kaur LIVE to discuss and share stories about how gratitude changes lives, Tips on how to stay grateful and some useful ways to get into the practice of gratitude.
Click Here to Join us LIVE from the SikhNet Office 
10AM Mountain Time - USA on Facebook

SikhNet Wallpaper

Download beautiful wallpapers from last year's gift 


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