Wednesday, December 2, 2015
The Story
Every night Santa Fe's Interfaith Community Shelter feeds and shelters more than 150 homeless and hungry residents of our community. Volunteers from various faith groups come and serve every single night in the winter months. We, as local Sikh community, have begun to take this opportunity to serve our hungry neighbors and those without a roof and a warm bed.
If you feel inspired to come volunteer, please contact Saibhang Singh (703)477-6659(703)477-6659
Furthermore, we are using this campaign to raise funds for groceries. The more funds we raise, the more meal slots we can sign up for. If we reach our funding goal, we should be able to complete 6 langars this season, feeding nearly 1,000 people.
Sat Nam
Saibhang Khalsa ~ [email protected]
Link to donate:
Watch Langar photos from last night: