I am Gurpreet Kaur. My father is a common labourer and my mother is no more. I have four siblings who are younger than me. I did my schooling from govt. school of my village.

I was topper at my school. It was my duty to write the thought of the day and top news of the day daily.

One day it was silent, I was writing the thought of the day at the board at my school. Suddenly it happened. Silent got changed into music of happiness. I saw a headline that was to change my life the way I didn’t know. It was written that a person desired to give best education to 200 students who belong to poor families, but are brilliant and not able to have any.

A hope of light had arisen in my mind. I decided to submit my name for consideration. I took permission from the headmistress and went to the school in which the test was to be held. It was full of struggle for me to do all the formalities because no one was with me. I was alone and did not have knowledge about anything, but I was successful. I passed the exam undertaken by them. I took admission in the school of my dreams. I always had a dream to study in that school. I never thought I would be an engineer one day, but now I am.

The person is S. Jatinder Singh Uppal from Australia. Madam Manika is a daughter of S. Jatinder Singh Uppal.

I did my schooling up to 12th from Jatinder Singh Uppal and for my higher education Manika adopted me i.e. she sponsored me for my further studies.

I never thought in my life that I would study in India’s top university. I didn’t know that god had sent an angel to fulfill the dreams of the students like me. Now I believe nothing is impossible.

A person has full right to have dreams and its god’s responsibility to fulfill that.

I am very thankful to god that he sent the angel called Manika.

May god bless Manika !

Gurpreet Kaur

[Text Editing by SikhNet]

Special Interview with Bhai Jatinder Singh Uppal from London


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