Harnish Kaur is running to raise funds for projects that are being implemented by Khalsa Aid in Panjab.

The projects that will benefit from this sponsored run are:

  • Drugs awareness in Panjab
  • Children's Education in Panjabi villages
  • Empowering Panjabi families to escape poverty

"I have decided to take part in the BRITISH 10K RUN on SUNDAY 12th JULY 09

"I was so impressed with the seva that Khalsa Aid have done not just in India but all around the world, that I decided to raise money for them and do my bit for the Khalsa Panth. I wish to raise a minimum of £2500, so I need all of you; my family, friends and sangat to give generously and help me achieve my target. - Harnish Kaur Goray

(BSc student @ Kings University, London)

Please show your support for Harnish, Click here to Donate Online


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