"I am not good, no one is bad," is a shabad found on page 728 in Guru Granth Sahib Ji that every Sikh should chant each morning for a half hour before beginning their day. Over time that line will become so engraved in your mind you won’t have to chant it no more. Once engraved, you will notice that every time you go to say someone is bad, that immediately a voice will come from within and remind you “I am not good, no one is bad”. When that voice is automatic it will eventually stop thinking negative all together. And with that your ego well perish also. The day your ego is gone, you are ready to approach Waheguru.
So put the dollar back in your pocket and present yourself to Waheguru as an offering next time you go to the Gurudwara. Tell Waheguru that you want to be his beloved and you are ready to do what it takes. After you have told Waheguru that, do ardass and then approach the true Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji for his hukam. Record the hukam and read it every day with your nitnem, so you never forget that Waheguru is your beloved. Listen carefully to each word your beloved says to you and do whatever your beloved asks to win his love. Trust in the fact that if you listen to him he’ll never lead you astray. While you work to blend yourself into someone that your beloved wants you to be, he is going to be busy fixing up your life. He is going to destroy all your bad karmas and fill your life with the happiness you deserve. But be pre-warned, that you have to trust him, that what he does is going to ultimately lead to a greater good. Things well happen that well tempt you to doubt him and to leave him, it’s up to you to keep faith in your love and devotion.
While serving Waheguru with all your love and devotion your soul will begin to grow and expand to an understanding of the world you didn’t even know was possible. You will fall so madly in love that where ever you turn, you will just see your beloved. You will color your life, in his colors. You will wear the bana of a Gursikh because he gifted it to you and showed you the importance of it. Your body well be decked out with ornaments (the hair) he gave you. Never again you well find the need to modify his gifts to please yourself or others around you. With loving words he will provide you with every tool you need to become in peace with yourself, without having to change a single thing. Each imperfection will magically turn into a magical master piece, a work of art. At peace with yourself, you are ready to accept the spouse Waheguru has chosen for you.
It’s important to accept Waheguru before your spouse because he is the one that is going to help you accept your spouse. Remember Waheguru is one and the in-laws many. So tackle the easier one, Waheguru, first. Waheguru gives you the full support for you to be successful in your relationship with him. With Waheguru at your side no issue with the in-laws will seem too big, no misunderstanding to great. Most likely you won’t have any problems at all because all problems will seem too little to even be labeled problems. Like if your spouse is overweight, your hands will automatically begin cooking healthy foods for him. Or if your mother-in-law is picky, your natural reaction won’t be angry, it will be doing double careful till she is at ease with you. In other words, you won’t see problems - you will see solutions.
Waheguru is the solution to all your problems and Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the key to unlocking the door to Waheguru. Bow to Guru Granth Sahib Ji to begin unlocking your happiness today.