Los Angeles  10/1/1987

Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru, Ra, Ma, Das, Sa, Ra who created the sun, Ma who created the moon, Da the doubt, Sa the totality.  There are  four Nad  Karam in one name, there are twenty words which can raise the   consciousness from zero to infinity in the mortal. Sa Re Ga Ma, Pa Da  Ni,  Sa Ta Na Ma, Ra Ma Das Sa, Sa Se So Hung.  This is the totality,  this is  called Gauri Kriya.  Guru Arjan gave to the Sikhs, Sikhs became  musicians, Sikhs became poets, Sikhs became knowledgeable.

In these twenty words, when you breathe in one breath, and go to  the  notes and the tune, the entire harmony of the universes come to  you as a  gift. There is nothing more harmonious, creative  tranquilizer, peaceful  objective sound current. Today sound current  is being sold in the  market, you know people come and learn from the  sound current.  They do  not know basic sound current.

Guru Arjan Partakh Har gave the Sikhs the sound current when it  was  challenged. When it was challenged without our music, without our recitation, you won't have the public, you won't have the audience,  what  kind of Guru you are?  Sikh Dharma does teach you self  sufficiency.   Without self sufficiency there is deficiency and there  is no efficiency  and it is a very simple thing.  If you are dependent  on somebody, even in  a dream, you can't make it, God knows what can  happen to you.  Efficiency  in self sufficiency and minus deficiency, that is what Sikh Dharma is.

The technology which has come to us has not come to us like a ritualistic situation, well I am a Sikh, therefore Sunday I go to the  Gurudwara, twenty minutes I have to listen to the tape recorder in the car, its all right.  Sant Ji has come and blessed my house, it is all right.  I gave one thousand dollars to the Gurudwara, it is all right,   this doesn't mean a thing.  This is not a Sikh.  This is a hungry man   trying to satisfy to be a Sikh.  A Sikh man trying to do rituals to   become a Sikh.  Giving high slogans, and blaming and claiming things doesn't make a Sikh. A Sant doesn't become a Sikh.  A Yogi doesn't become a Sikh.  A Brahm Giani doesn't become a Sikh. Nobody knows what a  Sikh is.  Sikh is the one who sought out all the infinity of  the God and  still says I am humble, I am willing to serve.  Who has  experience of  God, who doesn't love God, God loves him, and still says  I am nothing.  That is where Sikh starts, I'm not telling you yet the  finish. I'm  telling you where a sikh starts.  Everybody who today ties a turban and puts a little Kirpan around and puts a little kara, and knows few words of the Punjabi, and two or three sloks here, two,  three  sloks there, and says there is no better Sikh than me.  It is an  American  saying, everybody is a chief, nobody is an indian.

Among Sikhs there is a tragedy. They found the technology of spirituality and they have drowned themselves in the ocean of ego. That is what Sikhism is today.

There is a little story of a Sikh.  A very old Sikh who was initiated by Guru Nanak, came to meet Guru Ram Das at Amritsar.  Guru  Ram  Das had left the body and the light has passed to Guru Arjan.  So  he  learned that now Guru Arjan is on the throne.  So he said, where he  is?   They told him that there is a place, Guru Arjan you can have the  darshan  there, the audience there.  He sits there he said, ok.  So he  walked and  went there.  Guru Arjan Dev at that time was compiling and  completing the  Sukhmani.  He arrived, did the prayers, Guru Arjan Dev  got up from the  throne, went out, lifted him, touched his feet, kissed  his forehead,  hugged him, and brought him by his side.  The Sikh said,  Guru, look at  the difference of the age, look at the difference of the  karni, look at  the difference of the whole thing.  He said, Guru,  what's going on. And  Guru said, you are from Nanak, you are from  Angad, you are from Guru Amar  Das, you are from Guru Ram Das.  Blessed  is me. This is Guru Arjan saying blessed is me that I have your  darshan, I have your audience, blessed is me.  Happy is me, holy is  me,  Guru is saying this. Sikh is surprised.  He said I see you as  Nanak, I  see you as Angad, I see you as Guru Amar Das, I see you as  Ram Das, I see  you as Guru Arjan, I see you as Guru Hargobind.  At  that time Guru  Hargobind was not conceived.  Sikh started saying the  names of all the  Gurus.  He said I see you the beginning, I see you  the end, I see you  complete, bless me.  Guru Arjan says, please, wait,  let me look at you.   Let me see you, let me touch your feet, let me  touch the dust of the feet  where you have walked.  The entire audience  was surprised because Guru  Arjan saw a Sikh of the Guru whom God  loves, in whom God dwells, on whose  altar there is no alternative, but  on the altar God presides himself. Guru Arjan Partak Har, the  personified God saw God in devotion in the  light of a sikh.

Today is the birthday of Guru Ram Das. The foundation of the Khalsa has been laid.  In the  foundation of the Khalsa,  two sons of Guru Gobind Singh in body are there. In the walls of this  Khalsa, there are two sons of Guru Gobind  Singh, innocents are there,  alive and well.  Pure and alive forever.   Martyr never dies.  Their  martyrdom reminds us that on their blood and  flesh the foundation of  Khalsa was laid. The two fought with the  entire animosity from dawn to  dusk defending the origination of the  Khalsa.  Five who gave their head  and took the amrit become so pure,  so noble, so graceful, that Guru  Gobind Rai, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs, bowed down and asked for the same amrit which he gave.  Creator become creation.

Let us put it in scientific words.  Millennium, conscious act of creativity of God is united in this unison-ness of the light.  The   spectrum of light views the light itself to the multiness of the total creativity.  In that unisonness and that creativity came the light and the creative light meditated for thousands and thousands and thousands of human years, and God went into bliss and consciousness, so It could just create one of its own kind.

Looking at the entire creation, he looked at Rishi Dush Daman,  ask  him to take rebirth.  Thus, the birth of Gobind Rai got promised  in the  kingdom of God.  This is one birth in recorded spiritual  identity, which  was asked not but requested by God himself, to a  living being.  To  recreate itself to start the Dharma.  Believe me or  not, I'm asking you  phonies, when such a Dharma can be destroyed, and  who can destroy it?  In  the weakness of the moment, you may forget, in  prosperity we make  friends, in adversity we test them.  In this eventual adversity through which this Panth is going, we may get shaken.

It is not the body which lives, it is the spirit in the body  lives. Baba Deep Singh, 72 years old, got beheaded, Sikh reminded  him, Jathedar Sir, you promised, your head would fall in the parkarma of the golden temple, dead body got up, put the hand on the left side, took the kanda  in the right side, enemy started running.  They  couldn't take this, even you, with a tank before you, if you see a man  with a head on his hand,  and coming with a sword, you will turn the tank around, you can't believe it.  The mogul army couldn't believe  it, they didn't have the strength, 250  people total in number defeated  the army of 5,000, they ran to Lahore. Couldn't relate to it.  The  governor said, "what?" They said, "what?"  "What, what, what?" he said, "what are you talking about?" "We saw  something we can't believe.  The huge man, the old man got up, put his head on his hand, started mauling the army of us,  we could only think, "best is to run."  Spirit lives, body doesn't.  Man doesn't  live.  It isn't the life that matters, it's the courage you bring to it.

It is the courage of the spirit in the faith, in the unison-ness which lives.  Sikh has a unison-ness with the Guru, and God has   unison-ness with the Sikh.  You don't understand Sikhism.  Sikh  Dharma,  Sikh way of life, you have been so much engulfed in  Brahminism, you can't understand what Guru says. Gursikh loves the Guru, God loves the Sikh. This is the relationship.  Sikh doesn't  love the God.  Sikh even doesn't  care, because he knows God is  presiding in him!  God's Sikh, if you are a Sikh, you know that there are ten trillion cells, and three parts to each one. Thirty trillion times God lives in you.  If you do not know that, you should not call yourself a Sikh.   Then you have no right to say, "Ang Sang Waheguru!"  God is within me, in each limb of me.  You declare it.  You learn  it, and you personify  it.  That spectrum of light, the creativity, is that Raj Yog for which  throne was given to Guru Ram Das.

There are a lot of Takhats, they made another Takhat at Guru Biconchi, and they said it is a Panth decision.  I said, where Takhat of Raj Yog, given to Guru Ram Das, has to appear? Of that Siri Guru  Granth speaks. This takhat which you have created, we have no objection to it, but it is a political Takhat.  "No, no, no, Amritsar is the place of Guru Ram Das."  I said there is Akal Takhat already. Yogi Ji, are you doubting the Panth's decision?  I said yes, I am not doubting it, I am  seeing it.

Guru Arjan was the architect of this Guru's house, Guru Harimander Sahib, you have put this additional wood, you are the  architect?  There  are a lot of Sikhs who come, I said, Guru did not  estimate how many Sikhs  are going to come.  You have a better brain,  better estimation?  No, no,  we have done nothing, we have just taken  those little square corners and we are just baited.  I said magnetic psyche doesn't need alteration.  Harimander is the house of God, it doesn't need alterations. You cannot  play with it. You do not understand, therefore you do not understand it. To you it is a bricks, one brick gone, the other brick has come. I'll tell you how powerful that brick is.

That little brick you see, (note: a piece of a brick of the Akal Takhat is near the door at Guru Ram Das Ashram) that is the pillar of Akal Takhat.  That is the marble from the first pillar of Akal Takhat. All right, as a memory, we put it in the House of Guru Ram Das.  Now, there  is a lot of marble in this house, you see all that?  Now  somebody came and he put Guru Nanak on it, somebody came, he put  those beautiful  saropas around, now I am seeing something golden around it, do you understand what a stone can do?  It is a stone.  It  is very surprising.

One day Baba Karak Singh took a marble stone which is in this Guru Ram Das Ashram, (Note: there are two pieces of marble inlaid in  the  entry way to the Gurudwara at Guru Ram Das Ashram in Los Angeles) and he gave it  to me.  I said, thank you very much.  He said, no, no, no, understand  Yogi, understand this.  We never had a proposal to build marble here anything,  we never thought of it.

     He said that place of Guru Ram Das that you have in America, when you marble it, put this marble at the gate.  This is a marble from the Kar Seva, when we did it we got it out of the sarovar, so I'm giving  you  this brick.  I brought it and I kept it.  I never knew that we had  to do  this.  When it is done, I brought that brick, I said somebody  who could  see in the future has given it, it is our responsibility to put it where  he said to put it.

That is a Sikh, who sees the unseen, knows the unknown, hears the unheard, and still says "Dhan, Dhan, Ram Das Guru, Jin Siri Tinai Savaria, Poori Hoe Kara Mat, Aap Sirjan Harey Dharia".  That is the beginning, that is the start.  The ownership of the God, is first step  of Sikh Dharma.

There is no fight, there is no philosophy, there is no  technology, there is no experience.  There are two words which can  decide the entire  categorization of this Dharma.  Nitnem, Nimet.   Nitnem, daily.  Nimita,  for the sake of.  If Sikh lives for the sake  of the Guru, God serves such  a Sikh.  If Sikh lives his daily life,  how pure it is, it has nothing to  do with the dictates of the Sikh  Dharma.  When a Sikh claims, "I", then Dharma  is dead in him, Karma lives.  By virtue of the expression, physical,  mental, and spiritual, Sikh doesn't live.  Therefore Sikh cannot die. One who lives in the spirit and the being of the Guru, and Guru which  manifests the very existent acknowledged capacity and the psyche of the  God, where does death fit in, in this whole episode, tell me?

Those who are limited do not understand the foundation and the tenets of  Sikh Dharma. If I started asking these questions, let me tell you on the  birthday of Guru Ram Das, not only we shall live, but we shall  rule every millimeter square of this planet earth.  It is destined.   It is  destined.  It shall not be untrue.  You who are Christians, or know  Christianity, go a few thousand years backward and search Christianity, and being Christian find it out for yourself.  Where did you ever have a dream that the Christian flag will fly at the graveyard of the sacrificed place of Peter?  At that time when they put him on the cross upside  down, did anybody know at that time that Christianity would spread all over? Those who know Judaism and know the Jews,  I'm asking you, go a couple thousand years backward, find out Moses releasing the slaves from Egypt, and think of that situation.  

Today the Jews have Israel in the face of opposition from the entire Moslem world.  Could you imagine it?  No you couldn't. Would the Hindus of India ever have dreamt that they would be free thanks to Guru Gobind Singh?  Psychologically, a nation's character has the constitutional excellence in it, or excellence of sovereignty in it, or excellence of service in it, or excellence of it, and excellence of self destruction  in  it. There are three types of nations created by the will of God.  Wherever you will find a Sikh, with all his millions of weaknesses, you will find him in excellence of consciousness when he challenges himself to be a Sikh. It comes automatically. It doesn't come through rituals, it  doesn't come through rites, it doesn't come through  sacrifices, it  doesn't come through knowledge, it doesn't come through  blessings, it  doesn't come through grace, it doesn't come through  anything.

It comes only from the first step of self-consciousness, when a Sikh  challenges himself to become a Sikh, he becomes acknowledged and the wisest and the most conscious and purest of all. You who do not  understand  things do not want to be human, should not be human, you  should not live as human. Because a human has a God's light in itself, and wherever  one challenges that very light, it brightens up.   Whenever an individual  creates a vacuum, the very weak light becomes the bright light.  It is the self challenge.  It is the self-intellectual consciousness which is challenged by a man, by his own  grace.

Guru gives the way, when dedication of self is given to the Guru, challenge is automatic. That is the technique.  Give me any man among you who's secure enough to say "all is of the Guru. All shall be of the Guru, and all losses are gained through the Guru."  Me and myself to the  Guru, day and night to the Guru, and may Guru Ram Das be blessed forever. After you do that tell me what is your problem?  A lot of people came  here. They were wiser, they were more knowledgeable, they were better, they claimed better.  They could not reach the heart of the American mind  because the target in America was not that Americans were seeking a  religion. Americans had a religion, and very strong  religion, and in every American home, for hours and hours, the television  bombards religion.

TV does not bombard in a literally suggestive way, it preys on the guilt, the consciousness, the conception from the very birth day to the death day and it condemns you to hell, to heaven, the promises are not so much. Modern technology is used so that people  sitting in  their homes write checks and mail them first hing in the morning to just as the sun rises. In that bombarded technology,  methodology, and that religion, there are people who have adopted to become the Sikhs. That religion is going to be in danger? If you cannot read the words on the wall, how blind you can be?

Today I say to you on this birthday of Guru Ram Das, if a Sikh belongs to the Guru, that is between him and his Guru. Nobody can make anybody a Sikh. One can be  helped along. Everybody has to walk his journey, only the friendly talk and make it easy, the time can pass.  None of you who is sitting here, or anywhere, is a Sikh because somebody could make you a Sikh. No! Nobody could make anybody Khalsa. Rishi Dusht Daman, who was one with God, God asked him to become Guru Gobind Rai, and when he was born and started as Guru Gobind Rai, he had to ask the Khalsa to give the amrit. Don't you understand the history? It couldn't have been any other way.

Therefore, some of you who will never understand, some of you who understand, will not be in a position to explain.  Just understand, it is  the karam, it is the Sisganj, which has awakened among you, and you have accepted the Guru.  "Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru, Jin Siri Tinai  Savariaa,  Poori Hoee Karaa Maat".  That miracle is complete.  You have completed a  miracle.  I am taking this opportunity to explain to you,  nothing should bother you, because in the words of Guru Gobind Singh: "The people have forgotten the reality, they have become ritualistic.

Half of the world has denied God, half the world believes in God but does not trust God. To become spiritual without trust is  much worse than the atheist. Atheist  at least fully denies God, he's  the other side of the coin.  What is the  idea to believe in God and  don't trust him? What is the idea to be a Sikh who does not belong completely to the Guru?  There is a technology which  we have asked  for. Right from the House of Guru Nanak, unto the House of Guru Gobind Singh, and through the Siri Guru Granth we got it.  My saying to you  is,  if this comes true that next year physically I'll not sit with  you, and  you will celebrate the birthday of Guru Ram Das without me, let everyone know in very clear terms that you are a Khalsa by your right!   That Siri Guru Granth is your Guru, that Khalsa Council is your governing  body, and you are well, healthy, happy, and holy!

Dharma is not the creation of a man.  Akal Purkh  wanted Khalsa to appear,  whether it appears in Africa, America, India,  Fiji, New Zealand, Japan,  it is the will of the God.  The coming 5,000  years belongs to it.  We may  be small now, we may be small tomorrow,  but those directed souls which will come will nurture and grow. Some will like to walk  like meek saints, some will walk like saint soldiers, strong and  powerful, but all this is a maya.  The  reality is the seed of the Panth Khalsa has been sown, and it shall  grow to its infinity.  That is the reality.  Therefore I wish you the happiest birthday of Guru Ram Das on the western soil of the United States, and remember your plans are very high and heavy, but when you build the Takhat, Raj Yog of Guru Ram Das, at Ram Das Puri, on your selected land, remember one thing, if I do not physically share with you anything at that moment, I share it with you today.  Let that place be built to the beauty that there shall be nothing in the world  which can  even try to equal it.  Do not gold plate it.  Put solid bricks of gold. Somebody was telling me that soft gold gets taken away, I said,  well, blessed are those feet which will take it away.  They said, what you will do then?  I said, we'll replace it. It is very easy.  Build a  befitting glory to the throne of Guru Ram Das and the day you shall complete it, that day you and your generations shall  rule the planet earth. If it does not come true, wherever my ashes are, spit at it.  Therefore worry not, children of the Guru, the time of the Khalsa has begun.  

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh! 

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