According to a news report in the Tribune newspaper, the Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (DSGMC) plans to cover the walls of the Gurudwara Bangla Sahib with gold at the approximate cost of 24 crores rupees. This money is being raised from monetary and gold donations from the Sikh sangat and the public. I don’t belong to any group or political organization, these are my personal opinions. But I do know that the common man on the street has similar views.

The Sikh public and DSGMC has made tremendous contributions in opening of secondary and high schools, Engineering colleges, Vocational Training institutes etc. Due to these steps a lot of kids in our community are now getting a good education. In the age of fast cars and fast food, we would like our children be grounded to the teachings of our Gurus. Young people need guidance and understanding of their elders to connect them to their faith and culture. The message of the Sikh Gurus is to lead a Miri-Piri or Worldly-Saintly way of life. They would like us to prosper, lead a comfortable life and enjoy the fruits of the Creator. But at the same time they would like us to remember that these are due to the blessings and grace of the Divine. Guru Teg Bahadur ji said, “Kanchan matti manao” or “Consider gold and dirt the same”. So in light of such teachings, what is our duty as Sikhs today? How do we spread the message of Sikhi and pay homage the great souls that sacrificed their lives and families so that we could lead a comfortable life. In every lifetime, there comes a time when we are walking along a path and providence gives us a choice.

At one side, we have the choice of using our money and prosperity to improve the abode of our Guru, the Bangla Sahib Gurudwara. We can make it look so good that it will be a marvel of the world and people would come from far off places to take a look at our gift to our Guru. Our chests will swell with pride when people will look at awe at our capabilities of raising money and creating another golden Gurudwara.

At the other side, we have a choice to use our money and prosperity to improve the abode of our Waheguru, this Earth. We can put the money in more practical solutions for the comfort and education of the public. We could improve the schools; fix the Gurudwara buildings and facilities; help the Sewadars send their kids to school at no cost. Do you know that the monthly fees for a student in Guru Harkrishan Public school is Rs. 2200. Now, at an average monthly salary of Rs 5-6000 for a Sewadar in which they have to take care of a house, food and living of their family, how would you expect them to pay the school fees?

Yes, we could do both and there is nothing wrong with that. We have all right to build and expand our Gurudwaras for the comfort of our community. But we should maintain a balance, in what is required and what is going overboard just to feed our egos. By focusing our minds and money mainly in one direction we can achieve better goals, our hearts need to turn into gold and not our bodies, that is the way of the true Khalsa. All I ask of you is to stop for second and think about it, and think hard. Ask yourself about this choice, because while the decisions are being made by people in power, our Guru jis taught us that the power is with the Sarbat Khalsa. Each and every Sikh has the power to make their own choice and voice their concerns. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, “Sura so pehechaniye Jo lade deen ke het, purja purja kat mare kabahoo na chade khet” or ”A real warrior is one that fights for the downtrodden and would rather die a thousand pieces than leave the battlefield”

So what are the next steps that we can take? Next time when you think about donating money to a cause or the Gurudwara, think about where the money will be used. If you feel like changing things and helping people, then instead of arguing with people, form small groups or Jathas for each main cause below.

  • Lets start a Bhai Kanhaya ji Jatha to fix the water problems in the Gurudwaras, schools and colleges.
  • Lets start a Guru Ramdas ji Jatha to fix broken stones, clean Gurudwara walls and make them shine.
  • Lets start a Guru Arjan Dev ji Jatha to help send the Sewadars childen to schools at no cost.
  • Lets start a Guru Teg Bahadur ji Jatha to start a Microfinance Bank to help poor students with loans for higher studies and to help the poor youth start small businesses.

Guru Gobind Singh ji said, “Sawa lakh se ek ladaun, tabe Gobind Singh Naam kahaun” or “One when he make fight a million, then shall he earn the name of Gobind Singh” . If we really want to serve our Gurus, spread their name and teachings then the more live we touch and improve, the greater the understanding and appreciation of the Sikh faith.

>>> Gold, Earth and the Sikh way of life – A Request


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