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HomeAlone (32K)

Monday, August 04, 2014 : HOUSTON (KTRK) --
An intruder picked the wrong house to target in northwest Harris County. Waiting inside was a 12-year-old girl -- alone, and armed.

The call came in at around 12:45pm as a burglary in progress at a home.

Amrit Jandu was home alone with both of her parents at work when she says she heard someone breaking into her house, shattering the glass on a back patio door with a garden tool.

She was in her second floor bedroom when she heard the commotion. Amrit grabbed a large kitchen knife, locked herself in a bathroom and made two phone calls -- one to 911 and one to her father.

"I saw a guy doing something to the door, so I came back, and I decided to grab the knife, and the phone which was right there next to me, and I went to the bathroom and locked myself in," she explained.

The suspect ransacked the parents' bedroom and took off running down the street. Police caught up with him, and recovered items stolen from the home.

Amrit was unhurt. She told Eyewitness News she always keeps that kitchen knife next to her when she's home alone.


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