We made this beautiful, original
wallpaper for you to enjoy. 

Click here to view and download this and many more original wallpapers.
In this image we tried to give the feeling of the light of God - Waheguru. The khanda image pulls us into the power of universal consciousness. The Gurbani quote takes us out of our limited thinking and shows us the "bigger picture." Let this wallpaper help remind you, lift you out of your day-to-day problems, and give thanks to Waheguru. 

After the joy of families and friends gathering to give thanks, and a weekend of mad shopping, #GivingTuesday takes us into the holiday season reminding us that this is the season of Giving. 

#GivingTuesday is the perfect way to bring this sacred time of year into perspective. It’s a day devoted to gratitude and giving, reminding us of the concepts of kindness and giving, versus getting “more stuff.” It is a day to step back from holiday spending and forge the shape of the future by recognizing what it is that we most deeply believe in. 

Here in the SikhNet office, #GivingTuesday is the day we give thanks to YOU for being part of the SikhNet family. On this day, we recognize that we believe in you, and we celebrate our deep gratitude for your belief in us. We appreciate that you follow SikhNet’s progress and the accomplishments we have achieved by Guru's grace over 20 years. Thank you for choosing to share a portion of your Dasvandh to help others around the world. 

In deepest gratitude, SikhNet has prepared a little gift for YOU on this#GivingTuesday, 2016. This year our SikhNet team has designed original wallpapers you can use on your smartphone, tablet or computer. 


You can use this as your desktop wallpaper. 
We created vertical layouts for your mobile phone. 

Click Here to download and install your gift

How to install the wallpaper image on your computer or phone

May you be inspired on this #GivingTuesday to give your wisdom, kindness, wealth, creativity or time to help make the world a better place.

Thank you, The SikhNet Team


View all the wallpapers
Special thanks to Dalip Singh from Delhi for creating some additional wallpaper images for you to use. You can check out his wallpaper blog here and his blog about Indian Gurdwaras.

We also invite you to read our 2016 Annual Report.

And then please GIVE today.

Your contribution will help uplift the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world.

P.S. Look for a special preview of our new website next month!!!

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