Urges Punjab Government to award due gradation to Gatka sport
Sri Anandpur Sahib March 17- Today, the International Sikh Martial Arts Academy organized the first Hola Mohala Virsa Sambhal Gatka tournament under the aegis of the Gatka Federation of India (GFI). During the tournament, eight Gatka teams demonstrated their fighting skills.
After inaugurating the traditional martial arts competition, Dr Deep Singh, Joint Secretary GFI, and Giani Ranjit Singh, Patron of the Punjab Gatka Association, announced that the Federation would organize a national level Gatka tournament every year on Hola Mohala. The purpose is to help the youth by channeling their energy towards this self-defence sport, and wean them away from the menace of drug abuse and other intoxicants. Gatka would also enable the youth to stay healthy and agile.
Adding further, they said that the Gatka Federation has taken major initiatives to revive and promote this rare art as a sport in India and abroad by organizing "Virsa Sambhal" Gatka competitions. These competitions will help to revive this dying art, and perpetuate the rich legacy of Gatka amongst the future generations. He requested that the Punjab Government award due gradation to the Gatka sport at par with other games at soon as possible.
The martial art of Gatka is a style of fighting with sticks between two Gatka or more players, intended to simulate the sword. It focuses on infusing physical, spiritual and mental fitness.