The Game of Love
Our mentality for these days is as perverted as the corporations who have learned how to profit off of them. Yet relationships still crumble, our love is still strained but on these days we sure know how to put on a show. That is the end result of being superficial, living in a society and community that is using material objects to prove relationships, to prove worth and most ineffectively, prove love. I find it amusing that flowers are exchanged yet commitment is not. Our relationships are slowly become business transactions, of what have you done for me lately, what have you bought for me lately? Deep meaningful love goes beyond the materialistic exchanging of gifts or favors. Yet this is our hold up, we are pinned to this that the show is more important than the reality. Look anywhere, we enjoy the showmanship, in our cars, our homes, our lives. Everything we do we are looking over, to who is watching what are they perceiving of me, and we will go to extreme lengths to be able to put out the ‘image’ we want to sell. Even the most pious person is looking to see if anyone is noticing he is so pious. So our actions begin with motivations which are not pure. We want to be accepted, we want to be respected, even if that means we may have to act out the truth. The automatic light we had inside of us, is not enough we need the spotlights all around to showcase our glory. In all that false light we lose the true light we came with. As I sit at the dinner table at times, my children laugh. It is proper laughter, at times food/drool comes out of their mouth as they are laughing, but they are in sync internally and externally at that moment. What is happening inside is exactly what is manifested on the outside. As adults we have extreme filters which we call maturity, but actually is filtered falseness. We take what is truly happening inside us and filter it many times, with layers of our own expectations, perceptions and what others want to see. Eventually what comes out from the initial thought or feeling is something very different, at times even opposite from our internal voice. We then feel complex, we feel mature, and smart. Yet we are going against our instincts, against our internal light. Love is something we can only give when we finish ourselves. It is in absence of who we are, it is in that finishing of our ‘self’ that we can truly love. Love is not about what you do, what you say, your commitment, your loyalty, all these things are ego driven. Love is just something that unconditionally happens when your ego is absent, it doesn’t matter what the other does, it is taken as love. When we begin to love we see no faults, we have no complaints, we accept unconditionally what is happening. In that state we understand that there is nothing to do, nothing to say, nothing to prove besides offering our love, and whatever we receive is more than we could have expected. In life when things don’t go our way we complain, but those who have a deeper spiritual understanding know, that even the challenges are love, just as much as the successes. When we are truly in love there is no low, no high, there is just the state of bliss, that every moment is exactly how it should be, not because we wanted it to be a certain way. Love is not captured it is a flowing energy that continues on forever. There is only one form of love, everything else is just an illusion of what we think love is. Love is acceptance, when our existence disappears, when we let go of our preconceptions and conditions and believe everything is perfect. Even the person we love we can see no faults, if we see faults then it is not love it is just the projection of our expectations of the other person. Humans today have forgotten how to love, how to just let go of all these things which are false signs, and hold on to something that is true. It is difficult now everyone is out to get someone or show someone down, we think the more someone does the more they love us, but in that formula things fail because there is only so much someone can do, instead of accepting those as they are, we only accept if those people meet our demands our internal desires and we hold them to it, then we call it love. Love in its true form comes naturally, it is not in our actions it is in our instinct to love, yet we forget. When a child loves his mother, when a mother loves her child, there are no expectations. The child does not know that the mother will provide milk, the mother does not care that providing nutrition she is robbing her body of some essentials, yet naturally this phenomenon occurs. There is no poems, no I’ love you’s exchanged, because the foundation of love is not words or actions, its instinct. It’s the feeling that we are connected to someone deep within our soul not with superficial circumstances. Love now has become a scary place, where one gets hurt. Where we feel the most vulnerable, and mistrust is a common feeling. What if we just trusted, what if we just let go of feeling vulnerable, and let the flow of time, the winds, take us wherever we would go. We could live life so carefree, so in-tune with the order, taking all good/bad that we experience without that classification but as something that we just needed, as something provided with love to make this experience complete. Love would come easy if we let go of all these materialistic demands, of our perceptions and judgments. It would flow naturally within us, we would be accepting and loving of others, yet we all know that the opposite is true. The material world is very strong and in its illusions we get lost, we forget who we are, we forget how to love, and our version of love feels empty, even with all the showmanship’s we feel empty, we feel alone, when all we had to do, was let go, and automatically we can be connected to the universe to those we love in the most powerful way.
“If you want to play the game of love, walk on my street. Put your head in your hand as an offering ― headless, egoless. Those who walk on this path have no hesitation.” Guru Nanak |