Fathers' Day is a special annual reminder of the silent promises a father makes when he holds his child for the first time after it is born.
It is not just about the children showing their love for their fathers. Father’s Day is about the whole family; the fathers, the mothers and the children. It’s about a special promise and bond they share and celebrate on this day.
When a father holds his child for the first time, he makes a special promise to always be a part of the child’s life. He promises to be the rock in the child’s life through the hard times and just go with the flow during the good times. Father’s day is a day for all fathers to think about whether they live up to the promise they made their children. It’s not about getting something from your child telling you how wonderful you are, that’s just extra. It’s about thanking your child for letting you be their father. It’s about remembering every mistake you made and being compassionate when your child makes one, and it’s for their smile making your day. This year on Father’s Day don’t expect to receive, instead use it as an opportunity to give. Give thanks to your child and the mother of your child for this beautiful blessing they helped you receive.
Mothers have always held a special place in the hearts of their children and on Father’s Day , mothers should help the fathers to create a similar place. A family is incomplete without the father and mother who are the glue that hold the family together. On this day every mother should promise to help the father be a good father and stay fully present in their children’s lives; for it is a mother that acts as a buffer between a father and a child during difficult periods. That is why it’s important for each mother to promise to keep her own personal bias out of each situation and consciously do what is best for the child and the father. When a mother uses her anger with the father or child in a situation that has nothing to do with the situation it makes matters worse. True mothers don’t make matters worse, they make them better. On Father’s Day let each mother count her blessings in having a child and the child’s father in her life.
With the help of the mother, the child has an opportunity remember and appreciate the importance of their father in their lives. Parenting can be a thankless job, especially for fathers, because they have a harder time creating a special place in their children’s heart as mothers do. That is why it’s extra important for children to promise to make their fathers feel loved on Father’s day and every day. It is the love of a child that makes the parents want to work harder to make everything work out. No parent wants to see their child unhappy and, for that reason alone, no child should want to see their parents unhappy.
So, today is Father’s Day. Use it to seek the blessing of Waheguru with your families. He will bless you with smiles, happiness and the ability to make your parents happy. In your happiness you will see your blessings and your parents will find theirs.
Let all fathers, mothers and children never forget Waheguru. The moment we forget our word or break our promise is usually the moment we forget Waheguru, for without Him we are unable to ever make or keep a promise. We can find the tuk “Among the peaceful, You are called the Peaceful One. Among givers, You are the Greatest Giver.” (Ang 507.) Remembering this tuk will help us remember that the peace we want in our lives and in our families is given by Him. All things come from Him and all things go to Him. So when we forget Him, we not only forget our promises, we forget our very purpose in live.
Happy Father’s Day!