girlsOnly (29K)

'So kio manda akheeay Jit jamme raajaan'
(Why call her bad? From her, kings are born.)  (SGGS, Ang 473)

To encounter the menace of female feticide, The Kalgidhar Society emphasizes educating girl children. To this end, in all its educational institutions, preference is given to the girls, particularly the rural poor.

A special drive has been launched to take care of the underprivileged girls in the age group of 8-25, who have stopped going to school for one reason or the other and are forced to manage only the house-hold chores under the circumstances. The Kalgidhar Society embraces such unfortunate ‘daughters of society’ and gives them free board and lodging facility besides providing the modern scientific education coupled with the spiritual training. These girls, thus trained, obtain the under-graduate and then graduate degrees from Eternal University. After graduation, they are enrolled in 3-year course at Akal Elementary Teacher Training Academy; all this without any charges.

Once they obtain the trained teacher’s degree, they are absorbed as permanent teachers in any one of the 65 branches of Akal Academy and are provided government scales. Thus, they become the useful members of the society and thereby enhance their matrimonial value.

To take a step further in promoting female education, the Eternal University, being run under the aegis of The Kalgidhar Society, has decided to offer the higher education exclusively to the girl students. Hence, from the session 2010-11, all under-graduate courses including B.Tech., B.Sc. (Nursing), B.A. (Hons.) Economics and B.A. (Hons.) Music, are offered exclusively to the girl students, who will find themselves in safe, serene and divine environment in ‘The Valley of Divine Peace.’

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