New Release

Mool Mantar_Shabad Kaur (227K)

Dharam SEVA Records
Portraying the Foundations of Sikhism through the
"Mool Mantar"

Artist (19K)This musical creation features the angelic voice of Shabad Deep Kaur a devotional singer and certified Kundalini Yoga teacher from Amsterdam. She was chosen to portray her version of the foundation sacred words spoken by the 1st Guru in sikhism Worldly known as Guru Nanak. Shabad Kaur States; "I hope to inspire people to discover their own strength and to stand herein. This authentic power is present in each and everyone of us. The true strength lies in consciousness and love - message that I want to share with the world through the Mool Mantar”. Mool means root or origin and Mantar is a powerful formula designed for repetition.

Shabad Deep Kaur's profound experience in her life lead her to discover the Sikh teachings through Kundalini Yoga. She found that health, life-balance and a clear mind were accomplished through this intense journey to inner wisdom. Shabad Deep Kaur has been surrounded by musical influences from a young age as her father is an accomplished musician. “In my life I have experienced music in many ways but by discovering the mantras I found my true musical destination and home for my voice.” Her mission is clear and simple - to touch people’s heart and souls through music and to encourage them to find their inner peace.

The Mool Mantar is set to Release Worldwide on Thursday 23rd May 2013 by Dharam SEVA Records coinciding with the birthdate of Guru Amar Das.

The birth of this forthcoming release from DharamSeva Records came during the inauguration ceremony of Gurdwara Sahib Leamington & Warwick. Here Shabad Deep Kaur was in attendance along with hundreds of Sikhs from all over Europe for an all night meditation and Vahe Guru Jaap. This is where she first met music producer Baljinder Singh Khalsa (Bally Rai) who himself was in the process of internal and external transformation. During that blissful weekend Baljinder Singh Khalsa accompanied Shabad Deep Kaur on tabla during her first ever mantar recitations and it was the start of a friendship and journey which has resulted in the creation of this musical version of the Mool Mantar for the world to enjoy.

Dharam Seva Records will be donating all proceeds from this release to International Humanitarian Charity Khalsa Aid for the "Water for Africa Project".

Dharam SEVA Records urges all mankind to support the "Mool Mantar" Release and purchase from Official Sites only.

Music producer Bally Rai will be doing a series of fund raising events for the Khalsa Aid "Water for Africa Project".

To make a donation please visit

** Mool Mantar - Translated Lyrics (English) **

MoolMantar (66K)

** Dharam SEVA Records **
Facebook: /dharamsevarecords
Twitter: @dharamseva
Youtube: DharamSevaRecords


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