SikhNet continues to operate year after year because people like you give a portion of your Dasvandh to support this site, and all the services it offers. We exist because of you. And ultimately, we are accountable to you for how we use the money you give.

Today, we invite you to check out SikhNet’s annual report. See the cool things SikhNet did in 2015 and get to know who SikhNet serves.

$61k Given of $350,000 goal

Click Here to Read the Annual Report

Millions of people come to SikhNet every year, to feel the touch and inspiration of the Guru’s Light and wisdom. This report describes in detail the unique service projects SikhNet accomplished this year, as well as the daily services that we maintained.

The annual report also provides information showing how many people SikhNet is serving, where they are from and what services they use. You will also find our annual financial summary.

The SikhNet staff feels very grateful to serve as the Guru’s vehicle for providing these services to the global Sikh community. We hope that after reading our 2015 Annual Report, you will feel inspired to give generously and help these services continue. Your kind gift will allow SikhNet to grow, expand and touch even more people in 2016.

Thank you so much for being part of the SikhNet family. All that we have accomplished this year is because of YOU and your support of this work.


20th anniversary
If you appreciate the work SikhNet does to serve the world-wide Sikh community, please donate today so these services can continue. We deeply appreciate your support.

We are grateful for all you do to keep SikhNet online. If you have thought about contributing during our year-end fundraiser, and would like to make a donation today, we appreciate your support.

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